Fixing Alta

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When the time came I walked with Laurence to the dock. When we got there the boat was already filled with the supplies they needed. I seen Aphmau hug Levin and Malachi and got on the boat. Laurence turned towards me and I looked him in the eyes.

" Remember I promised."

" I-I know."

" It won't be that long I promise okay?"

" Okay."

" Good."

He held my face in his hand again. I looked into his eyes and I could tell that he didn't want to leave me. I hugged him and he hugged me. He ran to the boat and jumped in. Then they sailed off. I waved and watched them until they were a small dot in the distance. I walked home and decided to go shopping for more furniture. I walked to a merchant.

" What can I do for you dear?"

" I need..."

( Time Skip cause I'm lazy )

My home looked better. It had all the furniture I needed. I went and sat on my bed and started thinking. I looked into Ben's room and seen him asleep. I went back into my room and lifted up a loose floor board. In between the boards was the stone. I took it and stood up.

" Alta. " I said.

White covered my vision then it cleared and I was back in the village of Alta. The fountain was dried up and the house looked old.

" Even with out the houses being destroyed by the enemy there still in bad shape." I said out loud.

I walked to one of the buildings and seen cracks in the walls. The houses are old they will eventually fall. Then I had a thought. Why don't I fix it? I remember every thing about Alta. I can fix it and change it a little. The houses are old and will fall, but in their place I will build new houses, just like the old ones. I know Jeb would have wanted this. Since he was a very proud lord of this place.

( Flashback )

I was walking all around Alta. I admired how the architecture was so unique. I walked and made it back to the fountain in the main area. I seen Jeb dealing with a problem when a part of the gates collapsed. I ran over and pushed Jeb out of the way.

" Why thank you Y/n. I didn't want to be crushed today."

" No problem. Wanted to help."

" That's good. A good quality you have I mean."

" Thanks."

" No need to thank me."

" the gate getting old?"

" Yes. I was just thinking about that. This part of the gate is getting old and I was just thinking that we could take this part down and make it new. Eventually working along the gate and making it to the end."

" Sounds fun. I'll help."

" Good." He said chuckling, while I blushed.

" The whole town will want to help too so-"

" Why is that? That if there is something wrong with the town the people in it will want to help it all the time?"

" Cause Y/n this is their home. It's the place that protects them, gives them shelter, and it's the place we know of. This place isn't found that easily Y/n just like the city of Gold. Our town is almost a myth saying only those in need will find it. "

" Oh, well then why do you take care of the small things when no one will see it?"

" Cause this place has been with us forever. We need to treat it right or......or it'll fall leaving us and the whole town defenseless. This place isn't just a town. We treat it like something precious."

" Oh. I understand."

" Good. Cause I'm hoping my children if I'm blessed to have ( He's not married. He's your age. ) will do the same."

" Me too."

Then I walked with him to go get recourses to repair the gate.

( Flashback Over )

This place fell because of the bad people out there. They tricked them all and took them all away. They took Jeb away. I looked at the gate. I walked up to it. I noticed cracks all over the gate. A lot of it fallen down from time. I touched the one part that was still up. The one part that wasn't fallen. It had cracks in it like it was about to fall. It was the wall we worked on.

" I'll fix you."

I put my hand on the wall and leaned my head on it smiling.

" I promise."

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