The Truth

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I heard Laurence drop Travis and he ran over to me. He lifted my head up and his skin was back to normal and his horns were gone. He searched my face for any harm. When he realized I wasn't harmed he wiped away my tears.

   " Y/n we are going to bring supplies off of the ship. Travis stay with her." Aphmau said.

He nodded not leaving the eye contact. Once they left he hugged me. One hand lay on the back of my head while the other was wrapped around me. I wrapped my arms around him and cried.

   " It's okay Y/n. It's okay. I'm here now. He won't hurt you as long as I'm here."

Once I calmed down I pulled away and showed him the hourglass. He nodded and helped me stand up. Once everyone was off of the ship Travis gathered them and I told them what the Demon Warlock said.

   " I'm going to tell you all what he told me okay?"

They nodded.

   " In his pocket dimension, he said that with every action there is a reaction. I survived a curse that was supposed to last forever. He asked me if it was to easy to bring me back."

I felt a tear slide down my cheek.

   " He said that he was right and that I knew it too. That it was to easy. Then he said that....that..."

Laurence stepped up and held my hands.

   " It's okay you can tell us."

   " H-He said that he can tell me that it may come back."

Everyone looked shocked. Laurence's eyes went wide. I backed up from him and continued talking.

   " He said that it may come back in a different way. Starting with the golden heart I have. Then he said that he can prevent it. I asked him how and he said that if I make a deal with him it will go away."

   " I asked what the deal was. He said 'The deal is. that you give me your power. You earned it from a curse and can transform into another form that is ready for battle. Along with this, the witch set a boundary on them. She said that if your heart was ever broken destruction will happen in your life.' I asked him about it and he said...

( Flashback )

   " True, but with my magic, I can change it. A little word reversal if you will, she also said that you will have the power to do what your heart and mid say is right. In sync together. If I have that power I can do as I wish as long as I know it's right in my mind and heart."

   " But if you take it doesn't that mean the curse goes with it as well? Since I gained these powers and the curse are tied together. You would have the curse for yourself."

   " Not exactly....Yes, I would gain the curse, but I can use it on others. It will not affect me since my magic is so strong. Others I can use the curse on them."

   " So what good would it get?"

   " You will live longer. You will live a normal life from now on. You won't have a weight on your shoulders to protect everyone. You can live a normal life and live for however long you live for until you die."

( Flashback Over )

I stood there and looked at everyone. 

   " He said that it's already in motion."

Everyone looked sad. Laurence, Lucinda,  Aphmau, and Katlyn had tears in their eyes. I let my tears fall. Aaron looked sad too. His mask was now off along with his hood. He shed a tear. Vylad looked depressed and Travis just stared at me. I raised the hourglass in front of myself.

   " This is how much time I have left. I don't know what my choice is. I really don't."

I fell to the ground and cried. Everyone except Vylad and Travis ran and hugged me.

   " Y/n you can't go away again!" Aphmau screamed.

   " Your back. You can't go back and become a statue!" Katlyn shouted.

We all cried. Even Aaron.

   " Guys, in all honesty, I'm scared. I don't know what to do."

   " Well get through this. You will stay with us this time." Aphmau said looking straight at me. I nodded and hugged her.

We all just sat there and shed our tears while the sand kept falling in the hourglass.

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