Travis Valkrum

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   " How?"

He laughed a maniacal laugh and his eyes set on mine again.

   " Eager there are we?"

   " If there's a way I need to know."

   " Why though? Fate has already set it in motion."

   " It's my life. Might as well plan ahead and be prepared for it when it hits."

   " True. The only way to stop it is if you make a deal with me. "

A deal? This can't be a good deal. He want's something.

   " What's the deal?"

His smile widened. HIs purple eyes were set on me like targets.

   " The deal is. that you give me your power. You earned it from a curse and can transform into another form that is ready for battle. Along with this, the witch set a boundary on them. She said that if your heart was ever broken destruction will happen in your life. "

   " Yes and? That destruction is made for my life not the lives of others."

   " True, but with my magic, I can change it. A little word reversal if you will, she also said that you will have the power to do what your heart and mid say is right. In sync together. If I have that power can do as I wish as long as I know it's right in my mind and heart."

   " But if you take it doesn't that mean the curse goes with it as well? Since I gained these powers and the curse are tied together. You would have the curse for yourself."

   " Not exactly....Yes, I would gain the curse, but I can use it on others. It will not affect me since my magic is so strong. Others I can use the curse on them."

   " So what good would it get?"

   " You will live longer. You will live a normal life from now on. You won't have a weight on your shoulders to protect everyone. You can live a normal life and live for however long you live for until you die."

   " ... "

   " What if I bring your lover back? Would that sweeten the deal?"

I glared at him.

   " No, it wouldn't he lived his life. Someone else is carrying his torch now. "

   " Oh well. Do we have a deal? "

He held his hand out for me to shake. I didn't move. I just stared at his hand.

   " Just think Y/n you can live a normal life, live longer, and your ' friends ' wouldn't have to worry themselves about you ever again."

I just kept staring at his hand. It was a good deal, but it just didn't feel right. My arm flinched. I lifted it up, but I stopped.

   " I....I don't know."

   " Well Miss Y/n you have some time. We will meet again. Think about it. It's a good deal."

The ground started shaking. I felt pain in my stomach and I realized that I was still injured from the stab wound. I looked up and saw that Aphmau was standing there. While they talked I didn't pay any attention. I kept thinking about what he said. When I looked up I saw that he wasn't there anymore. Only particles of where he was.

   " ...For I know, this isn't the last time we'll ever meet. "

The particles came closer to me.

   " Remember what I said little fighter. I am giving you time. "

Then he laughed and disappeared. The little demons came and helped us up. Aphmau walked up to us and hugged me. I didn't hug back. I just stood there in shock.

   " Let's get you to the nearby village and get that stab wound fixed up."

I nodded and followed her out and threw the portal. Aaron was there. He took the children while Aphmau helped me walk.

   " Y/n? What happened at the boat?"

   " I laid down for a nap and Katlyn woke me up asking me to watch the kids. I did then one of them. The demon walked up to me and he looked like Jeb."

We stopped walking and she looked at me.

   " Let's get you to the nurse and we'll talk more there."

I nodded and We just walked. Aphmau stopped helping me and I walked on my own. We reached the village. We walked into a house. I saw Laurence inside sitting by the fire. He stood up and walked over to me.

   " Y/n are you okay?"

I shook my head no. I gestured towards my stomach and he nodded. He walked me upstairs and I laid in a bed as a nurse came and helped me with the wound. Once it was patched up I sat up on the bed. Aphmau and Laurence came up the stairs. There was another guy with them. he had green eyes and white hair. The guys sat beside me as Aphmau sat in front of me on the bed.

   " Alright Y/n. Tell us what happened at the boat."

   " I took a nap and then I was woken up by Katlyn saying to watch the kids. She ran off. I stood up and prepared to fight just in case. Then one of those demon things-"

   " Imp." the white-haired guys said.

   " Thanks. The imp was disguised as Jeb. I fought him and killed him. Only you two know how much I cried while doing it. More and more kept coming. It was only a few then it became 50. So it was 1 on maybe 50 or more. eventually one stabbed me in the back. I fell to the ground seeing Katlyn running towards us."

Aphmau nodded.

   " Who are you by the way?" I said to the white-haired guy.

   " My name is Travis Valkrum. I helped Aphmau get here."

I nodded and turned my head back to Aphmau.

   " Y/n I have one more question."

   " Okay. I'll answer it if I can."

   " Okay. What happened before I got there. In his dimension. Before we left he said to you ' Remember what I said little fighter. I am giving you time' what did he mean?"

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