Ding dong + [excerpt]

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It's one in the morning and I just finished the first chapter of a book that's pretty much a Well Damn except the protagonist is more subdued. She embodies the stoic and emotion hating part of Elizabeth's personality. A way to look at it is how she would have been if she never made any friends. Fun, I know. Anyway that's kind of all I wanted to say. I don't know anyone who cares about these updates but I like doing them so try and stop me.

Excerpt below

Everything is kind of grey. Only a little bit but it's noticeable.

It's like I'm watching the world through a screen.

People walk past me, they don't pay attention, they don't care. And I don't either. Not really.

I just..


Not everything, not important things, just little things. The way the man who wears the old fashioned hat tends to favour his left leg, the way the waitress with the pink streak glances at pretty girls when she thinks no one's looking, the way the right handed regular in the corner booth always uses his left to hold things.

I have noticed some interesting things. I've noticed the boy with blue eyes and dyed black hair who always leaves just before that one hero dressed in gold shows up on tv. I've noticed that the tall jock looking guy always orders a milkshake that melts faster than usual. They don't notice me though. I'm glad.

The way I notice things is helpful I guess. I can read people. And I know how to stop them from reading me.


Today I notice someone new, someone new to the cafe that is. I've noticed them before. A few times.


When the girl with long dark hair and a gym bag stops in to grab a coffee after parting with her friends.

Today the difference is he watches her. From a table two down from me. He sits, wearing all black and a cap, with a bag tucked in next to him. It's a small bag. Big enough for the camera I've noticed him with. Today he's nervous. He fidgets and curls into himself. Today he's going to do it. He's going to take her.

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