Well Damn (excerpt)

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A/N many swears guys. I'll probably fix that later. Good? Bad? Have any sort of opinion? The first chapter is now unpublished.

School would be okay. If it wasn't so shit. Well fuckin' duuhh. I mean, I'm left alone by the bitches, I mock them in peace and I'm not dumb so it's not hard or anything. Just frickin' annoying as all balls. My little inner monologue is interrupted by the sound of a banging against metal.

I glance up to find some bitch ass punk just rammed into a lanky looking dude, knocking his books out of his hands and slamming him into the lockers at the same time. Aww fuck no. People turn and watch, some laugh, some whisper and some completely fucking ignore it. There's a circle of space now around the bitch ass punks and lanky dude.

No one wants to get caught up in it. They don't want to be the next victim. Hell some of these fuckers are probably actually entertained. I walk nonchalantly through the cleared area and stop before the punks, who're now laughing and highfive-ing and just being generally lame. Crouching down I pick up lanky dudes books and roughly shove them into his arms. Ahhh, his name's Christopher.

When Chris has a firm hold of his stuff I push him behind me and into the crowd, mumbling into his ear as I do so "just go to your next class". I turn to the bitch ass punks. Umm.. Max, Blake and Derek I think they're called. Maybe. "Dudes, come on. Stop being such immature little bitches. I genuinely feel more stupid just because I'm in the same room as you morons."

I step clear out of their way and walk passed them to my next class. "Ugh, fucking children." No wonder adults think kids are stupid. They fucking are. Muttered cusses drop from my mouth as I shoulder through the gathered students. My brow furrowed in annoyance and anger. I can't help but let my lips curl into the occasional grimace. Fucking morons.

The quite that still lingers in the hall disturbs me. It's a god damn school. Why are they being so.. shhh? A few seconds pass and the low whispers turn into loud chatter once again and I can relax my shoulders slightly.

Thank god I'm wearing an old sweatshirt and not my favourite one. I'm pretty sure I successfully hid my identity back then. My hood was up. I didn't look dweeb one, two or three in the face. And with how dull my voice is, all monotone and shit, I doubt they even heard most of what I said.

Noicely done me.
Thanks me.
You're welcome me.

I gotta chill. Shaking my head I slip into the girls toilet and take off my faded red hoodie. Folding it is kinda hard and annoying so I give up and just ball it up haphazardly. The hall is quite once again and I'm sure I missed the bell for the start of class. Kicking open the door I saunter ,fuck yeah I saunter, out into the noiseless space.

Luckily for me my locker is right fucking there opposite me so I stuff my hoodie inside then run quietly to my classroom just around the corner. I slip into my seat at the back whilst the teacher is looking at the board. Flipping open my textbook and notebook, already with pen in hand, I rush to copy down everything Sir's written.

By "Sir" I mean Mr. Mhar my psychology teacher. Because who bothers with names when "Sir" or "Ms" 'll do just fine. "Eliza. Where you here before?" My head snaps up at the sound of my name and I look at Sir, plastering a confused look onto my face, I speak. "Yeah." Tilting my head in a puzzled manner I frown slightly.

Mr. Mhar looks at me doubtfully but he doesn't push it. Awww fuck yea me. I have to bite my lip to keep the smirk from my face. I am the master of deception, the conner of all, the- my self praise was cut off by an annoying (in my opinion) voice. "She wasn't here before Sir, she just came in." I look up to meet eyes with the most irritating and obnoxious person in my class. Sapphire fucking Montre.

Fortuna-fucking-ly for me she's on the other side of the classroom and I can brush it off with a simple. Yo loud as hell ass didn't see me. Or you know. "I was, maybe you just didn't see me because you're on the other side of the room?" I phrase it as a question.

"Girls, be quite. You're disrupting the lesson." Dismissing bitch ti- I mean Sapphire, I fix my eyes back to the front of the class where Sir's turned around and is looking at me.

I raise my hand slightly. "Yes, Eliza?" I'm pretty sure he expects a confession of guilt or some shit. Naahh. "I can't see the board." Boom bitches. Look at my studious ass. Noice. "Oh, sorry." Mr. Mhar offers and steps to the side.

The rest of psychology goes off without a hitch.

Is what I wish I could say. But alas I haven't suffered through the hour yet.

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