Part Two, Loving Harry; Chapter Nine; Love without Tragedy

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Chapter Nine; Love without Tragedy

-one month later


I don't know what I had expected.

Maybe I supposed that things would be alright between the two of us and that we would spend late nights talking the way we used to, watching movies, going out on secret dates, getting ourselves tangled in the sheets and just kissing for countless of moments. I maybe expected that the tour would be put on pause to give us all a chance to recover from the incident that has happened, considering we still aren't one hundred percent sure what actually happened or that even maybe Harry would be all over me in ways that I rather not share.

I'm not sure what I had in mind to be exact.

I just don't think this is it.

It's been about a month since he got out, got new medication prescribed and back to his old self. I don't mean the self before he fainted in the tour bus, but his self before the first crashed on his scooter almost two years ago.

It's weird, Harry is so happy and loud and fun to be around and it has brought us all closer in ways we never thought could be possible a few months ago. I'm not used to hearing the lad making horrid jokes and walking around practically naked in the ways he used to. I got used to the Harry keeping to him and not saying much, surprised filled eyes when he remembered something and the maturity that he took in very quickly. His memory is a little off at times though that's one of the cautions side affects listed on his pill bottles―always was though.

We don't mention it to Harry when he doesn't recall something as exact as we all do; we don't want to burst his bubble.

Anne is fine, after I saw Harry that night when he woke up in the hospital, her world re-constructs and she wasn't on break down mode anymore. Hell, all of us weren't―especially me. Apparently that's what happens when you're on the verge of turning insane, everything around you is like a hurricane and you feel like you're drowning.

I wouldn't know, I've been hurt but never gotten myself to the point of insanity.

Probably close enough nonetheless.

Anyways, Anne is perfectly fine and calls Harry every day.

As for Harry and I, it's back to the whole skinny love montage.

I can tell he's unsure―once again.

I don't faithfully blame him. With everything that has happened between the two of us it would simply be easier to just start from zero and re-write our story.

I think that's what we both seemed to have agreed to, wordlessly in our own minds.

I still talk to Aiden, not often but we have short conversations here and there. He's still upset and thinks that we will eventually get back together. I told him that I did enjoy our time we had and that he's given so much to me and that I would always carry it around with me but that didn't seem to help him cope with the fact that I basically played the lad. I felt guilty some days despite the fact that most days I feel like I didn't give enough towards Harry and let him down.

Aiden invited me to his next modelling session in a few days as we will be in the same state, I told him I might go.

As for the other lads, they seem to be doing well.

Zayn and Niall talk a little more, though Niall still keeps most of his feelings buried away ever since Harry's recent episode. Niall spends a lot of his time with Josh still, in which I feel like they might be sleeping together. In ways it could be good for both lads, helps them get rid of the need to sex as well as the loneliness though if it to come to an end―I'm sure it won't be pretty and we might have to start looking for a new drummer. Zayn talks about Perrie all the time, but I know he's just trying to get over Niall―the same way I was trying to get over Harry once upon a time. She never comes around and I feel that Zayn does like to keep a distance with her, then again the lad is very quiet about his love life―always was.

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