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It was easy to drown out my brain.
To block any negative emotion.
To smother the emotion out with blaring headphones.

Then it changed.

I couldn't get the emotions to quiet down.
I couldn't get them to stop.
I had no control on how I felt.
I couldn't drown them.
I couldn't smother them.
I couldn't stop them.

I was a ticking time bomb.
I was a explosive.
I was a mistake waiting to happen.

Then I bursted.

I cried tears I didn't know I had.
I had no reason, I just cried.
I had no purpose, I just cried.
I had no control, I just cried.

Then you learn that after a bomb goes off there is a period of nothing.

Nothing happens.
Everything is numb.
You have no idea when its going to end.

You think the only thing worse than not being able to control your emotions is not being able to feel them.

You feel lifeless.
You feel like a corpse that cant do anything.
Your in shock and your mind keeps denying it.

You know that this isn't normal.
Though after awhile it becomes your normal.
You find sadness kinda funny.
The fact that we all feel sad.
  Yet no one whats to admit it.
  The ones who do are called crazy or mental.
Though sadness, numbness, and explosions are normal.

Controlling how you feel isn't.

Forcing a smile isn't normal.
Drowning your thoughts isn't normal.
Crushing your emotions isn't normal.

So we should all just be normal for a change.
We should cry.
We should frown.
We should explode.
We should feel numb.

Every once and awhile we should let our emotions speak.

Instead of drowning them.

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