The first diary entry

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You are reading through the poems when you find a diary entry. It read the date 12/4/13. You think this might be a invasion of privacy, but you are a curious person. Plus its probably just her rambling about some boy.

December 4 2013

'Alex & rambles of the misunderstood'

There is this person at my school. I will call them Alex for now just in case Mom is reading this. I really like them but I am scared what if they ridicule me? Just because I like them. Plenty of girls have crushes on guys they have no chance with. Half of the girls in my school have a crush on Gale from the Hunger Games movie. ( I never quite understood that)

Anyway enough about my useless crush. I have been having fights with my Mom. She keeps snooping through my stuff, which is okay to a certain degree. She just keeps invading everything. She needs to know everything about me and with recent events I just don't trust her enough to let her know everything.

She doesn't know that I have anxiety or that I might have depression. She doesn't understand when she is being verbally abusive. She wouldn't understand if I told her I snap my wrist with a rubber band. She says that she has been through all the stuff I have been through but she really hasn't. She tries and I love her for that, but she just can't seem to grasp this whole parenting thing.

I am not holding it against her. When you have a baby they don't hand you a manual. So you are bound to make mistakes, as long as you try and still love the child its okay. I still love her so much. I just wish she could understand and get one thing right.

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