forty eight.

41 7 3

chapter forty eight.



|reaper realm|
|management division|

"ha~" i sighed as i kept on typing on the glass keyboard.

"you've been sighing ever since you arrived 696. just focus on your work." the reaper beside me spoke while he's at his work.

i've been encoding files to the conputer for the next month's souls to reap.

these souls are quite a lot.

i wonder what'll happen next month. a war i suppose.

only reapers who are assigned to this task will be the ones who'll know.

but i'm just an apprentice.

"i should not be doing desk work." i groaned to myself. "i should be with lady clandestine at the moment." i added with a sigh.

"oh. her?" the reaper beside me spoke. "you're lucky you're under in a talented woman. but i feel sorry for you coming here doing desk work instead. you know this is an emergency and we need more employee to do the work."

"i know." i sighed as i typed on the keyboard.

a superior came in with two black files in his hand.

all of us became silent and focused on our work for the fear of being scolded.

"696." he called out a reaper.

all were silent. keyboards were the only thing that can be heard.

"696?" he called out again. "696!" he yelled, annoyed.

the reaper beside me kicked my left foot. "you're 696 have you forgotten?" he hissed.

holy shit.

i stood up from my seat and greeted the superior. "696 sir."

knowing my presence, he raised an eyebrow as he walked at my desk. "i'll be giving you this document." he spoke, as he handed me out two documents.

i took them and asked. "what are the contents of these?"

"they're pretty confidential. just type and encode on what's there." he spoke.

i looked down on the envelope. "yes sir."

"you have my trust." he spoke.

"thank you sir." i bowed.

he started walking away from my desk as i sat down in my swivel chair and opened the black envelope/file.


"what---" i gasped in shock as my eyes met the two files.

the superior chuckled as he stopped walking by the doorway. "now your desk job is not boring now." he chuckled.



|secretarial office|
|9:02 am|

"today is the day if im not mistaken." axel spoke as he was doing secretarial work.

i crossed my legs as i leaned my back on the chair. "yep. we don't have too much time~" i sighed.

Tony Montana :; y o o n m i nTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon