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chapter nine.



"okay so you were being kicked out of the house because of that freaking outfit?! bro." i half-yelled, shocked.

this is fucking weird. they fought for just a fucking outfit and he called his mom bitch is this--- oh my god.

i sighed at my thoughts, trying to relieve the pressure out from my chest.

he laughed as he scratched his head. "hahaha. sort of." he said making his "quirk" face. "but seriously, i'm so done with her. i mean, i'm tired with her." he sighed as his face dropped into a frown.

and I started to feel bad for him. but why?

an idea came into my mind and i smiled. "hey tony---" i broke the short silence.

with a cute blank face, he lifted his head up and asked; "what?"

i laughed at his face's expression and smiled. "have you checked the balcony?" i grinned, raising an eyebrow.

he shook his head and pouted. "nope."

i laughed as i dragged him out of the bed and opened the gray curtains. i unlocked the glass doors and slid it open to my left.

gawd. he doesn't know he have a balcony in his room.

as soon as we were out, cold air brushed against our delicate, fragile, handsome faces. with a deep sigh, i smiled.

"the night's so beautiful." i sighed in awe, looking up at the stars shining bright from the dark, gaining our attention.

tony slowly nodded his head and smiled. "yeah. very--- beautiful." he sighed with cold air escaping from his soft pink lips.

we watched the sky for almost a minute until tony broke the silence. "why on earth you didn't tell me about this balcony?" he said before smacking my right arm.

with a small jump, i yelled. "ow! holy ssshhh--- i thought you knew!" i hissed, rubbing my right arm to ease the pain.

he's violent. ghawd.

tony took five steps forward, then looked down. "okay. so jimmy. tell me. if i jump from this balcony, i will fall directly to that pool." he said in a childish manner, pointing at the pool.

why does he have to be so cute?---

"jimmy?" tony snapped as he blinked his eyes twice, still pointing at the pool.

i nodded my head and stuttered. "y-yeah--- b-but don't you d-dare t-to jump----"

i was being cut off when tony suddenly stood on the concrete "barricade" or "fence" or whatever to keep you from falling. he stood above it and took a deep breath.

what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck don't jump don't jump don't jump

i ran as fast as possible and grabbed his right hand. "don't jump." i breathed out.

he looked down at me and smiled. "sorry. but i have to. i don't deserve to live in this world anymore. i'm tired. so tired." he spoke, forcing a smile with a sadness look on his eyes.

what the fuck! don't be so dramatic! i'm still here!

he started removing my hand from his but i refused. my grip on his hand went tighter. "don't let go!" i shouted, starting to tear up.

Tony Montana :; y o o n m i nTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon