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You've just stepped into a world where every day is a battle, fought with spoons and the unwavering loyalty of a service dog named Bailey. I'm Madison, or Maddie, and at fifteen, I navigate life with chronic illnesses that few my age understand. When I first heard the term "spoonie," I was baffled. But the spoon theory is more than just a label; it's a way to quantify the energy you have for the day. Imagine sitting at a table with twelve spoons, each one representing a unit of energy for daily tasks like showering, eating, or simply getting to the hospital. Spend them wisely, because once they're gone, your day is done.
Today, you join my sister Morgan and me on one of those long, grueling hospital days. Bailey, my tireless service dog, is with us, her presence a beacon of comfort amidst the sterile corridors. While I undergo tests like MRIs and CT scans, Bailey keeps Morgan occupied, parading her around the hospital, greeting staff, and keeping spirits high. Sometimes, she can't join me in the exam room, but that's okay—it's all about her safety and ours.I'm juggling dysautonomia, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, and mast cell activation disorder, among others. The internet can be brutal, with people accusing me of faking my conditions for attention. But I've learned to shrug off their ignorant comments. My health is real, and so is Bailey's dedication.Our day starts with a series of back-to-back appointments, a routine that's become second nature. Morgan always goes first, and today, she's quick to pass Bailey off to me while she gets checked. Bailey's presence is a comfort for Morgan, who's been through her share of near-death experiences in hospitals. Today, we manage to dodge the usual distractions, like the curious child in the waiting room who almost interrupted Bailey's crucial duties. My mom handled the situation with grace, and we moved on, grateful for the calm.After hours of tests and check-ups, we retreat to the hospital cafeteria for a much-needed break. Morgan's eyes light up at the mention of chicken nuggets, and I can't wait for ice cream sundaes—last time, the cafeteria ran out, and I was heartbroken. Our lunch is a brief respite, filled with laughter over past mishaps, like the time my dad almost ate Bailey's special sandwich. The thought of his beet-red face still makes us giggle.As we wrap up our appointments, we head home, Bailey sprawled on Morgan's lap, her day of duty finally over. At home, she gets to be a regular dog, playing fetch with Morgan in the backyard. We wind down with Bailey's favorite movies, her excitement for "Air Bud" unmatched. As the evening fades, we find ourselves dozing off on the couch, the gentle hum of the movie's soundtrack lulling us to sleep, Bailey's gentle snore the final note of our day's symphony.Join me, Maddie, and my incredible sidekick, Bailey, as we navigate the highs and lows of a life filled with invisible battles and the unconditional love of a service dog who's more than just a companion. In our world, every spoon counts, and every day is a testament to resilience, love, and the power of paws.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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