•Sweet Pea+Krasimira•

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The moment Jug walked into class I knew something was off, he wasn't his usually solemn self

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The moment Jug walked into class I knew something was off, he wasn't his usually solemn self. He was quiet, not even making eye contact with me. Usually the moment he sees me he is giving me a half hearted smile. Ever since he transferred to SouthSide High a few months ago I have been the only one to actually befriend him and accept him. 

I am still not sure why people think so low of him, he is FP's son for crying out loud. FP is a well respected figure in the southside community and since he was arrested for the murder of Jason Blossom the serpent's haven't really had a leader, although Sweet Pea seems to think he can claim that title. He the one that has started this whole let's shun Jughead Jones and make him feel like he is unwanted. 

I am not a serpent so I don't have to obey his little rule, although half the school aren't serpents yet they listen to him. He seems to think he rules the school as well as the serpents. He doesn't run either. 

"Hey Jug, you okay?" 

"I am fine." 

"Clearly you aren't. Did something happen before school started?" 

"I said I am fine Krasi!" His tone raised a bit which caught me off guard. For the time that I have known him he has never once raised his voice towards anyone. Not even the serpents and he should have at times when they are messing with him. 

At the thought the elevator hit the top floor, one of the serpents must have said or done something to tick him off and I could bet my bottom dollar I know who... Sweet Pea. As class went on I didn't dare say one more word to Jughead, it's best that I leave him be and give him the chance to cool down. But once class ended I said a small bye and headed off to find Toni, she and I were well acquainted and I know she was the first one to meet Jughead when he arrived. She was friendly with both Jug and I but she wouldn't dare show it in the halls. If Sweet Pea saw he would have something to say about it, so she keeps a low profile about her "friendship" with us. And I use that term very loosely. 

"Hey toni," I spoke as I approached her and her locker. She turned around and gave me a small smile. 

"You know if Sweet Pea see's us talking he is gonna throw a fit." 

"let him, I have a question. Did someone say something to Jughead this morning?" 

Toni sighed and that was the answer I needed. "Who said it? What did they say?"

"It was Sweet Pea but I have no idea what he said," Toni informed. 

"Thanks Toni, i'll figure it out!" I thanked her as I began to walk away. From behind I could hear her shooting me a warning to not be stupid. I wasn't going to do anything stupid, well in my eyes it's not me being stupid. It's me being a good friend. 

The moment I walked into the Wythe Wyrm I could feel everyone's eyes on me, I mean I was for sure out of place. However I didn't pay attention to anyone's eyes except Sweet Pea's, if looks could kill I would be on dead on the floor. 

"What are you doing here?" He spat a very warm welcome at me the moment I reached his presence. 

"What did you say to Jughead this morning in school?" I spat back. He actually seemed taken back by my use of tone with him. Did he really think that he scares me? 

"Why do you want to know?" 

"I am his friend and he seemed upset most of the day," speaking about Jughead my voice became a lot softer. 

"Yeah I said something to him but I am not gonna tell you, his little girlfriend!" His mocking tone made me want to slam my fist in his face. 

"I am not his girlfriend, now what did you say to him!?" This time I raised my voice so loud that the whole bar went silent and all eyes were on us. Sweet Pea looked around and honestly I think we both felt like a fish in a fishbowl, grabbing my arm he pulled me out of the bar. The moment we were alone he gave me a hard stare before he began to speak. 

"Jughead is a wanna be, trying to be just like his pops. He doesn't have thick skin, he won't make it." 

"You doubt him, why not give him a chance?" 

"I don't need to, I call it how I see it. He won't make it here." 

"You can't base it off your own thoughts, let him prove himself." 

At this moment Sweet Pea's agitated tone and face seemed to wash away, he was now looking at me with a straight face. Sighing he looked me right in the eye and began to speak "If Jughead becomes a serpent he'll be hanging out with us more which means you will be around the serpents."

I was confused by his statement, "and?" 

"You don't want to be around us, we are nothing but trouble." 

"Awww are you worried about me?" 

"I am," he admitted. 

"what?" That didn't mean to come and not with such a shocking tone either. 

"I don't want you to get hurt in any way. Krasimira you may think I am mean but only reason I was pushing Jughead away was because I knew you two were a packaged deal. If he joined the serpents you wouldn't be far behind. I know Jug can prove himself and I know he will be fine but that doesn't mean we still don't get hurt and in trouble from time to time. Once you are in there is no way of getting out. I don't want you to fall onto the wrong path. It's better if you and Jughead just stay clear of serpents." 

I was so taken back by all of this that I didn't even know how to respond to this. Sweet Pea was actually being... sweet.  

"Sweet Pea, thank you for your honesty and watching our backs but you can't make other's decisions. Jug wants to be apart of the serpents for some reason, I however don't. I know what you guys smell of and I don't want any part of that. But that doesn't mean I still can't hang out with any of you. I am a big girl, I can handle myself." 

"I don't doubt that, I know you can take care of yourself but just know that if and once Jug becomes a serpent you will always have one of the serpents to watch your back and protect you." 

"Even you?" 

"Especially me!" He gave me a warm smile. What has happened, five minutes ago I was ready to punch him and now I kind of want to hug him. And you know what come to think of it he is rather cute. Wait, what? Did I just think that.

"Actually you said it," Sweet Pea pointed out. I looked him at him wide eyed and noticed his cheeks had a little tint of pink to them. 

"Well this I can't save myself from," I laughed awkwardly. 

"Well I think you are pretty cute too." 

For you;  @PolarizexXx , I hope you like it and I am so sorry for the long wait. I have been so busy with work that I haven't had any time to do what I love, write. Now don't think this is the end, I may be doing a part two soon ♥ 

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