•Joe Jonas+Kat•

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My twitter was blowing up and I was in utter confusion

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My twitter was blowing up and I was in utter confusion. I had just woke up from my eight-hour slumber see a hundred-plus notifications from twitter lighting up my phone screen. 

Now I usually am the kind of girl that goes on twitter maybe once every three or four days and the last time I even checked my timeline was maybe two days ago so my lack of twitter time plus the notifications just equals confusion. 

What got me even more confused and curious was the text messages I had received from my best friend Maggie. 

Maggie- OMG  @ 8:45 AM

Maggie- OMFG! GIRL IS THIS REAL LIFE??  @  8:55 AM

Maggie- Are you even awake right now?????   @  9:15 AM


Kat- It's Saturday, one of my only two days to sleep in. I was asleep, what have I missed. Are you okay?   @  9:45 AM


Kat- And why shouldn't I be okay?  @  9:31 AM 

Maggie- BECAUSE!!! Joe Jonas literally scrolled through your whole freaking twitter and favorited like half your tweets and he even replied to one of your selfies!!!!!!!   @  9:32 AM

It was at this moment that I left our text convo and opened the twitter app to see that my little notification icon had the twenty-plus. I scrolled through it quite rapidly until I landed upon the infamous tweets Joe Jonas had liked and I even saw his reply to the selfie I had tweeted about a week ago, it was the current profile picture I had and of course Twitter has this new thing where you can send out a tweet stating you have just updated your twitter icon. I don't know why I agreed to tweet this selfie but I guess if I hadn't Joe wouldn't have replied to it or liked any of my tweets. 

I clicked to see what tweets he actually liked and most of them were me tweeting out some lyrics, I believe I had tweeted out "It was fun when we were young and now we're older" on a day where I was just feeling quite nostalgic and missing those days where all I had to worry about was which juice box I wanted with my lunch instead of which bill I need to pay next and if I will have enough money to do so. 

All the other tweets he had liked were just quotes or song lyrics. The one everyone seemed to be flipping there lids about was the whole selfie tweet which I have now just gotten to. His tweet was simple, "Cutie." 

Clean and very much to the point. Of course, my heart skipped a beat when I saw his name flooding my mentions, seeing his username with that blue little check next to it tweeting my username. I was sending myself into overdrive though, not like Maggie had done. I was trying to keep it calm and collective. 

Looking at the time stamp I saw that this reply was sent well over twelve hours ago which means this must have happened about an hour after I fell asleep. Which means Maggie didn't see it until this morning, thank goodness because instead of just waking up to hundreds of notifications from twitter I would have also woken up to hundreds, possibly thousands of texts from her. 

Composing myself, my mind scrambling for a response. Not that it matters at this point, this was hours ago so what are the chances he would even see my reply. I mean there is a slight possibility and with that alone was it worth sending a reply? I mean he did like a bunch of my tweets so clearly he knows my username, but thousands of fans tweet him every second, not to mention he doesn't follow me. 

It was only seconds later that it registered in my mind that after liking some of my tweets and tweeting me, calling me cute, he didn't even follow me. Maybe he didn't think about it at the time? Maybe he didn't want to follow me? Maybe I am overthinking this way too much. 

Screw it I am going to reply to him. I knew I had a fifty-fifty chance of getting a tweet back or going unnoticed and I have come to terms with being okay with either one. I mean of course, I would love to be noticed by him again but I know my chances and I am willing to take them. 

So hitting the reply button I then began to sit on my bed, staring at my phone for a few minutes before I finally came up with a reply. 

@ joejones who me? 

I know. Not the most well thought out response, but I could have just said thank you and let it be. However, it was only moments later after thinking about deleting my reply and just tweeting him a thank you, I noticed I had a DM. Switching from my profile to my DM page, right at the top it had shown a new DM from Joe. 

Joe- Of course you! 

My hands had started to shake, was this what Maggie was feeling like when she saw his tweet. My palms were sweating, Joe had replied to my tweet in a matter of minutes and it was now currently sitting in my direct messages, something private. It was just the two of us now. Before I could even gather my thoughts to compose a reply I had looked to see that I had two notifications, a new message from Joe and a follow. It was at this moment I could have sworn time stopped, is this really happening right now? 

Joe- I know this is quite forward but I noticed your location says New York and I am really hoping that is true because I would like to meet up sometime soon. If possible? 

Wait. What? Is this really happening? Is Joe Jonas asking to see me? The obvious answer is yes, which is what I went ahead and typed out to him and sent. I have a date with Joe Jonas....

*Hope you enjoy your personal imagine @jonaslover1996 I know this is short but there will be a part two soon*

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