Chapter 3

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A/N hey guys! Thank you so much for 100+ reads and for commenting and voting a bit! I might be posting chapters a bit later for the next 3 weeks or so because I have finals ahhhh. But I will try to post as much as possible!


"What's taking so long" Calum's voice whines through the phone.
"I'll be there soon I'm just getting to the ice cream shop now" I reply.
"You're a slow walker" Calum groans.
"I am not a slow walker, I just ran into someone on the way to the ice cream shop." I say back.
"Who?" He asks.
"No one. I'll tell you when I get back."I say, sighing.
"Fine. Hurry up with the ice cream though." He says.
"Stop complaining. I'm getting the ice cream now. Bye." I say, hanging up.
I get the ice cream and walk back to the apartment.
"YESSS" Calum screams grabbing the ice cream and starting to eat it.
"You're welcome." I say, eating my ice cream.
"So you ran into Luke on the way to the ice cream shop?" Calum asks, smirking.
"How did you know that it was luke?" I ask, frowning.
"Because you wouldn't tell me who it was on the phone. I know you like him." He says, shoving some more ice cream into his mouth.
"I do not fucking like him we've been over this already." I say, annoyed.
"Okay whatever you say" Calum laughs. I roll my eyes and shove another spoon of ice cream in my mouth.
"I want to be in a band." I groan.
"Well you can't be in a band if you cant even think of lyrics for the song you're working on." Calum says, raising his eyebrows.
"Shut up I just need to think. Ill figure something out sooner or later." I say, sighing.
"I wonder if luke has good lyrics." Calum says, smirking.
"You're a fuckhead." I say, throwing a pillow at his head.
"Hey you almost made me spill my ice cream." Calum says, frowning.
"Good." I say. "I'm gonna go to sleep now. Wake me up when were gonna go to the camp tomorrow. We have one more day until the weekend and I wanna work on the lyrics tomorrow." I say.
"Okay I'll wake you up at 5am." Calum says, smirking.
"Do that, and you will die." I say, threatening him. Calum just laughs. I get up and walk to my room, laying down and going to sleep.

Next day / Michael

I wake up to Calum shaking me. I groan and shove my face into the pillow.
"What do you want I'm trying to sleep." I groan.
"It's 11:30. Wake up, you've slept long enough." Calum says, shaking me harder.
"Stop shaking me I'm getting up." I say, sighing.
"Good." He says, walking out of my room. God, I hate waking up. I get up, put on skinny jeans and a band shirt, and walk to the kitchen. Calum's sitting on the couch eating pancakes. My eyes widen.
"Did you make me pancakes?" I ask, hopefully.
"Yes. Their on the counter." He says, laughing.
"I love you." I say, grabbing the pancakes and eating them.
"You're welcome." He says. "Okay let's go. We need to go to the camp so you can figure out some lyrics." Calum says.
"Hey, you gotta help though." I say, raising my eyebrows.
"Eh I might help a bit." He says, laughing. I shake my head.
"Come on." I say, grabbing my guitar, and my lyrics notebook.
"Fine" He says. Grabbing his bass. We walk out and put our stuff in the car. I walk to get in the car, but Calum stops me.
"What now?" I sigh.
"Looks like Luke is having car troubles." Calum says, pointing over to where Luke is trying to get his car started.
"What does that have to do with us?" I groan.
"We should give him a ride." Calum saying, trying to hold back a smirk.
"Don't you fucking dare." I say. Calum definitely has a death wish.
"Luke!" Calum yells, walking towards him.


I've been trying to get my car started for a half hour now but it just won't start. I need to save up for a new car because this car is obviously old and worn out. It does this every once in a while.
I'm just about to give up on getting it started, but I hear someone call my name. I look up and see that guy Calum, from the camp, walking towards me.
"Hey!" He says. "Your car's not starting?" He asks. Why do I keep running into people?
"Uh, yeah. It does this every once in a while." I say, giving a small smile. "Do you live around here?" I ask.
"No, actually Michael lives in the apartment right next door to here and I stay with him a lot." Calum says. "So do you need a ride?" He asks.
"Yeah, that'd be great actually, thanks." I say. So Michael lives right next to me. That's good and bad, considering I slightly like him and I've only met him a couple days ago.
"Okay come on" Calum says and smiles. I grab my guitar and lyric book and follow Calum.
"You can put your stuff in the trunk and you can just sit in the back seat." Calum says.
"Alright, thanks." I say, doing as he said and getting in the back seat.


I swear I am going to murder Calum. Luke gets in the back seat and Calum gets in the driver seat.
"Hey" Luke says towards me.
"Hi" I say back.
I look over to Calum and glare at him. He just smirks and starts driving.
"So Luke, do you write music?" Calum asks Luke.
"Yeah." Luke replies. He's quiet, and that only makes me want to get to know him more, but I can't. I can't end up liking him more than I do now.
"So do I, and Michael does too, but sometimes he's bad at coming up with lyrics." Calum says. I look at him, angrily. Calum just raises his eyebrows.
"Maybe we could all write a song together sometime since we all like the same kind of music." Calum says towards Luke.
"Yeah we should. That'd be fun." Luke replies. We get to the camp and Calum parks the car.
"Thanks a lot for the ride." Luke says, smiling.
"Anytime." Calum replies.
Luke grabs his guitar, gets out of the car and walks inside.
"Calum what the fuck" I say, annoyed.
"What?" Calum says, making himself sound all innocent.
"I'm trying to stay away from him, and you bring him in our car and invite him to write a song with us!" I say, slightly loud.
"What's wrong with that? I'm just being nice. He's a good guy. Why do you have to stay away from him anyways?" Calum asks. Dammit, why does he have to ask me these questions.
"I just do, okay?" I say, sighing.
"That's not a real answer." Calum says, looking at me as if he's going to find the answer by staring at me.
"Forget it." I say. I go to open the car door but Calum locks it. "Calum." I groan.
"I'm not unlocking the door until you tell me why you're avoiding Luke." Calum says, frowning.
"Because I fucking like him! I don't want to fall for someone again because everybody always leaves me!" I yell. I didn't mean to say that, but it's the truth.. I put my head in my hands and sigh.
"You can't live life in fear that people are going to leave you. You'll never get anywhere if you live thinking everyone's gonna leave you. This could be different. Maybe Luke even feels the same about you. But you'll never know if you keep trying to avoid him." Calum says, sighing.
Calum's right. But what if he doesn't feel the same? What if I do get hurt again? I don't know what to do, but lets hope that something good finally happens to me sometime soon.

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