Chapter 17

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A/N hello. I am very very very sorry for how late this is. I don't have too much of an excuse other than I started high school and school makes me want to die so this sucks. BUUUUUT I've been so much happier this week because a certain penguin who's dating michael clifford followed me on twitter after 10,600 tweets to him so that was the best day of my life so now I can write woohoo. Enjoy!



"Stop sucking face and order pizza. I am starving over here. Do you want me to starve to death? Do want to have to carry my dead body to the funeral home?"

"Calum, you have a phone. Order the fucking pizza yourself. I am busy." I say, annoyed. I hear Luke laugh from beside me.

Me and Luke have been together for 2 months now. We started dating shortly after I told him I loved him and I'm happy, which is a rare thing.

I'm not going to spend all my life being afraid of getting hurt. Luke makes me happy, and I love him. So I try my best to believe him when he says he loves me back.

"Are you guys gonna have sex?" He smirks, wiggling his eyebrows.

"CALUM, LEAVE." I yell, throwing the TV remote at Calum as he leaves the room. I hear him yell and 'ow' before he shuts the door and I turn back to Luke.

"Now I'm hungry. Calum's a dick." I groan.

"Well we can eat and then make out again." Luke says simply.

"I like your ideas. Let's go." I say, getting up and walking downstairs as Luke follows close behind.

"Calum did you order the pizza yet?" I ask walking to where Calum and Ashton are sitting on the couch talking about how they want to breed ewoks or something.

Luke and Ashton have basically moved into my apartment since their always here. Luke sleeps in my bed with me and Ashton and Calum usually just sleep on the couch.

"I told you to order the pizza." Calum says, raising an eyebrow.

"I told you I was busy." I sigh.

"You and Luke are always 'busy'" Calum says, smirking.

"Fuck you. I'm only ordering one pizza and me and Luke will eat it. You and Ashton can eat the grass outside." I say.

"Hey, I didn't do anything wrong. Make Calum eat the grass I'll have pizza." Ashton says, frowning.

"You guys are mean." Calum pouts.

"I'm gonna go order the pizza now. Have fun with your grass." I laugh, pulling Luke back upstairs.

"Okay so we have to order 3 pizzas." I say, looking for the number to the pizza place on my phone.

"Why three?" Luke asks.

"Because I'm hungry and we don't need a fourth pizza since Calum's eating grass." I shrug.

"That makes sense." Luke says, sitting on my bed. I order the three pizzas and then sit on my bed next to Luke.

"So what are we gonna do until the pizza gets here?" Luke asks.

"Well, we could do this." I say as I connect my lips with Luke's.

A half hour later there's a knock at the door downstairs but I don't get up because Calum will hopefully answer it and I am too busy cuddling with Luke.

A minute later the person at the door knocks again.

"CALUM OPEN THE DOOR THE PIZZA IS HERE." I yell. Then I go back to the cuddling.

Another knock.

"Fucking hell Calum." I mumble and get up from the bed. "I'll be back Luke."

"Alright, bring me some pizza." He says, tiredly.

"Will do." I say, walking down stairs. I walk to the door and open it to see a guy holding 3 pizzas.

"Sorry, I didn't hear you knock. How much is the pizza?" I ask the guy.

"It's alright. It's fifteen dollars." The guy says. His voice is familiar but I don't know why, so I ignore it.

I take the pizza and give him the money. I expect him to walk away but he just stands there looking at me.

"What?" I ask, frowning.

"You look familiar." The guy says.

"I do?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah. I just don't know where I know you from- wait...Michael?" The guy asks, his eyes widening.

"Yeah I'm Michael. But I don't remember you." I say slowly, trying to figure out who he is.

"It's Brian."


The guy who ruined my life.

I haven't seen him in years, and I was very happy with not seeing him for years. But now he's at my door.

"Oh." Is all I can manage to say as my face drops.

"How have you been? I haven't seen you in a while." He says, smiling.

"Fine." I breathe.

"You're not still mad that I broke up with you right? That was years ago." He says, laughing slightly. His laugh makes me want to kill myself.

I try to think of an answer to the stupid question but my thoughts are interrupted by Luke walking into the room.

"Hey, is the pizza here?" Luke asks, frowning when he sees the pizza guy is still at the door.


"Yeah. I'll be upstairs." Michael says quietly and quickly runs upstairs. I frown, confused.

"Uh..hey?" I say to the pizza guy who hasn't left yet.

"Hey. Why'd Michael run away?" The guy says, looking amused. He's kind of pissing me off.

"Do you know him?" I ask, still frowning.

"Yeah. I dated him in high school. I'm Brian. Who are you?" He says, raising an eyebrow.

Brian. Michael's told me about him. I'll try not to kill him but that might be hard.

"I'm his boyfriend. You need to fuck off and get out of here now." I say, glaring at him. He laughs.

"Okay. I'll leave. I feel really bad for you having to date that faggot." He says and turns to leave.

Before I even comprehended what was happening, my fists connecting with his face.


"Do you think the pizza's at the house yet? I'm starving." I whine.

"Probably. Why'd you make us get ice cream before the pizza? That's not how it works." Ashton says.

"Because I am awesome." I say, laughing. Ashton shakes his head.

We get to Michael's apartment and I start opening the door but Ashton stops me.

"What?" I ask.

"There's blood on the floor." Ashton says.

"Is this another one of your stupid band names? Because I swear to god-" I start but get cut off by Ashton.

"No it's not a band name, there is literally blood on the floor." Ashton frowns. I look at the ground and see drops of blood.

"Well that's welcoming. Oh well, I'm hungry. Let's go eat the pizza." I say, opening the door and walking inside. Ashton shrugs and follows me inside.

I shut the door behind me and Ashton and walk to the living room to see Luke with a swollen eye and a bloody tissue on his nose and Michael looking miserable sitting next to him.


"Fuck you Calum." Michael groans.

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