Chapter 15

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A/N Hi! I'm so sorry this is later than usual I've been spending my time panicking because I have school soon and I hate everything. AND IM GOING TO FLORIDA AND DISNEY SOON SO IM SORRY IF THE NEXT FEW CHAPTERS ARE SLIGHTLY LATE TOO ILL TRY MY BEST. Enjoy the story! I'm sorry if this chapter is really bad I tried my best.


I kissed Luke Hemmings and it was amazing. After we kissed we just sat in the grass for a while, talking. But then eventually we had to go back to the stupid party to get Calum and Ashton, who were extremely drunk.

I drove home with Luke in the passenger seat, and Calum and Ashton in the backseat. Ashton insisted on sitting on Calum's lap on the way home. At first I told them no, because of seatbelt issues, but somehow the drunk boys managed to share one seatbelt. Those two are weird.

Once we got home, Ashton and Luke went back to Luke's place and me and Calum went back to my place. I wish Luke would've come back to my place so I wouldn't have to sleep alone, but we both have drunk friends to take care of.

After I pulled Calum inside and got him into his own bed, despite his protests of wanting to party some more, I went to my own room and got into bed.

Luke kissed me. I kissed Luke. Why hadn't I kissed him earlier? I like him a lot. Hell, I might even love him by now.

But then I remember why I hadn't kissed him earlier. Everyone who I've ever loved has left me. No one stays. Luke won't stay.

I try my best to shut off my mind so I can sleep and stop thinking, but as I drift into unconsciousness, my mind stays awake.


'Michael, meet me outside after school.' I smiled at the text from my boyfriend of 1 year, Brian. People say I can't be 'in love' since I'm only 16, but I am.

As the last bell rang signaling it was time to leave, I quickly got out of my seat and made my way through the halls until I made it outside. I looked around for Brian, until I finally found him and walked over to him.

"Hey."I said, smiling. He didn't smile back, he just stared at the ground. But I didn't think anything of it.

"We need to talk." He said, not looking into my eyes.

"Okay, so let's talk." I say, frowning. There wasn't many people around us anymore since the buses were starting to leave and people started walking home.

"I want to break up." He said, suddenly.

"What?" I managed to breathe out after a couple seconds.

"I don't want to be together anymore." He said, still not daring into my eyes.

"Why?" I asked, my voice shaking.

"I don't like you anymore, I just don't. Things changed. People are judging me for dating you. I'm sorry." He said, quietly.

"You told me you loved me." I said as tears began to fill my eyes.

"Michael, just-"

"You lied." I said, angrily trying to blink away my tears.

"I know." He said.


I sit up quickly, trying to catch my breath. It was a dream. It was just a dream.

Except it wasn't just a dream, it actually happened, and it'll happen again.

I dated Brian for a whole year, and I loved him. Then he just 'stopped liking me' once everyone noticed I was a freak. It had to be my fault. I'm always at fault. I let myself fall for a guy who didn't like me like me like I liked him.

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