Chapter 1

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"Can you get this Rey?" Mom said passing me a heavy box.
"Yeah," I said grunting under the weight as I carried the box into the house dropping it in the doorway.
"That was the last one," dad said. "You can carry yours to your room."
I picked up a box that said Rey and carried the box up the stairs into the first bedroom on the right. I always wanted a second story room, because the house I lived in before this, the only other house I had grew up in, and had all my wonderful memories in had been a one story home. Thinking about my house, made me think of my old hometown Jakku, Arizona. It was hot there all the time, and my friends and I used to go out to the deserts and slide down the sand dunes on our trash can lids. Thinking about my happy memories there made me tear up. We had to move to the town of Endor, California because my parents, well my adoptive parents had a job transfer. I don't know much about my real parents. I was adopted at 5 years old and I only know I'm adopted. I've never asked about who they were and why they left me, but at the same time I didn't really want to know. I kind of had theories when I was little that they had no choice but to put me up for adoption because they had some big reason and that they were galaxy heros or something and that they were going to come back for me one day, but I know reality, but I still have never asked about why my real parents put me up for adoption. I feel like their going to come back one day and explain why they left and everything.
  I plopped my box into the bare room onto the matress of the bed. Dad helped me haul up my desk and my heavier boxes. As I unpacked, I thought about how ive never really been close to anyone. I had friends in Jakku, but we were never really close. People think I'm weird I guess. I'm kind of tomboy, I love antique things and shops, and I'm pretty quiet but can be aggressive if you mess with me. I've never had a boyfriend and have never been kissed either. I was scared about this town. Trees were everywhere, and it was different from where I had been raised. I was scared about facing a new school and trying to deal with new classes and my senior year. I felt alone. Tears stung my eyes as I threw myself onto my bed and cried my eyes out. I took a few minutes to let it all out, then took a deep breath. I had to be strong, I didn't like change, but I had to face it. I got up and started to unpack, until I heard a bark. I shrugged it off, then I heard it again. I looked out my windows to see a dog, by itself, running around my yard. I darted downstairs and out my front door. When it saw me, it tilted its head. He looked like a medium sized mitt of some sort.
"What are you doing here you little goof?" I said holding my hand out. The dog ran right up to me and started rubbing against it. I petted him, and he seemed pretty friendly.
"Where's your owner buddy?" I said looking around for anyone. But no one was in sight.
I looked at his collar and all it said was BB-8. Was that his name?
"Hey BB-8," I said as he licked my hand. I took one last look around.
"Dinner!" My mom shouted from inside the house.
"I've gotta go buddy," I said giving him one last pat. He looked at me with his puppy eyes and started to whimper when I got up and started walking towards the door. I closed it and walked in to see mom setting soup and rolls on the table. I heard BB-8 whimpering and scratching on the door.
"What is that?" She said glancing towards the door.
"Oh just a dog I found, I couldn't find his owner," I confessed.
"Oh," was all mom said as she sat down.
"Can we please keep him? At least till we find his owner? I've always wanted a dog!" I pleaded.
"Honey I've got a lot on my plate right now," mom sighed, "but if it will make you happy, we can keep him but just until we find his owner."
"Yay!" I said jumping up.
"You can drive to the store and get him some dog food and bowls after dinner, but remember he's not yours so don't get too attached," mom said. "Just keep him in your room for the night, I don't want dad to know just yet."
After dinner, I did just that and I went to the store and bought dog food, bowls, and a collar and leash. When I got back, BB-8 was sitting in front of the door and I led him upstairs to my room. I gave him a bath and set up some pillows for him to sleep on after I fixed his dinner. When it was time for bed, he hopped up on my bed and slept near my feet. For a second, I didn't have a worry in the world, until I thought about my dreaded first day of school tomorrow.

A/N: Thank you so much for reading my first chapter! I got the idea for my book from the photo above I found online. It should be getting into some Reylo drama soon!

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