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*Elias' POV*
"Eli, there's a rouge over here at the stream", Toby says through mind link.
"You know what to do with it", I reply.
"This one is... different. A female carrying a duffle bag. I think you should take a look"
"Okay, Toby. Take her to the dungeons. We'll go down together once I've finished up things here at the office", I say.
"Okay, see you then".
Carrying a duffle bag? She must have been cast from another pack. She probably hasn't been rouge for very long. I wonder what's so different that Toby wants me to see her for myself. He knows I have a lot of pack business to deal with this week, with the Black Crescent treaty and all. And of course there's the new recruitment of pack warriors to train. I need to get them all down in the files, get their assessments done by Dr. James, and then begin their training all by Saturday. 4 days isn't much time to get that done. Normally we take rouges to the ground floor of the dungeon and get rid of them there. Rouges are not tolerated on Blood Moon territory. Other packs think I'm a heartless killer, but I do it for the safety of the pack. Rouges are particularly dangerous, they usually don't know or just don't care about the rules of the Lycan Race. I hope this one is worth the time.
"I'll get their files ready and then head down to the dungeons", I say aloud.
12 new pack warriors this year, all new shifters. I have always dreaded this time of year. The new shifters are always so difficult to work with, and of course I have to be there during training to keep them in line. My pack isn't necessarily afraid of me, they just know that I mean business and I am a stern leader. It has to be that way in order to keep them all safe, but the younger ones get a little scared if I'm around watching them. I think it teaches them respect and discipline, two important things that every pack warrior needs.
"Carson James", I say aloud, putting the last new recruit's file in the drawer. He is the pack doctor's son. Dr. James has always wanted him to be a pack warrior, but Carson doesn't seem interested. I promised Dr. James I'd give him a shot, but I don't think he'll make it through.
I try to clean up the office a little before I leave, I prefer to work in a somewhat clean environment. After I'm finished in the dungeons I'll be right back here. I close the door and lock it behind me.
"Meet me at the entrance to the dungeons", I mind link Toby.
I make the short walk up the hallway into the large white living room. I chose to live separately from the pack so that I could focus more on my work, but I try to visit everyone at least once a day. My house is a two story craftsman style home, nothing too fancy. Dad, Toby, and I built it a couple years ago and I've been here ever since. I walk out the front door and make my way from the house to the dungeons. Toby is already waiting for me there. I meet him and we start down the stairs.
"What makes this one so different that I need to leave my work to look at it", I ask.
"Well.. I'm not sure how to describe her. I want to see what you make of it", he replies.
We walk down to the end of the hallway where two guards are standing in front of the last cell.
"Alpha, Tobias", the first guard greets us. "She ate her food and drank the water. Other than that she hasn't moved from the corner, and she's still in wolf form", says the second.
"Thank you", I reply with a nod. The move from the cell door and I take their place.
"She's.. black", I say, stunned.
"Yeah, she's been asleep since she got here. I think she's a new shifter.", Tobias says.
There was something about her.. I just couldn't quite pin it. She's black. That's only something you hear about in legends.. I need to go back to the office and do some research before I confront her.
"Toby, come with me to the office. You two stay here with her. Give her another ration when she wakes."
"Yes Alpha", the reply.
We walk back to the house in silence. I don't want anyone to find out about her just yet. I unlock the office door and sit behind my desk. Toby sits on the sofa against the wall.
"What else do you know about her?", I ask.
"Not much. When I told her to shift back, she just stood there staring. One thing that's strange for sure though, she has the eyes of a vampire", he says.
"What? What do you mean?", I question.
"She literally has the eyes of a vampire", he replies, "her eyes are violet with a tinge of red. Unmistakable".
"We need to look in to the lycan legends and see what we can find", I tell him.
We both grab books off of the shelves and start our search.
After what seems like hours, I finally come across something.
"Toby, listen to this. 'You shall bow to the black one, for it is the supreme ruler. The Alpha. The Celestial. The King. A mix of two shall rule'."
"So, 'the black one' is the ruler of the wolves, angels, and vampires. But what is a mix of two?", he asks.
"I don't know", I reply, "I think it's time to talk to her."
We make our way back to her cell. She has to have some answers. When we reach the end of the dungeon hall, the guards perk up.
"Alpha, she's awake", one says. I hear scuffling come from inside the cell. Suddenly Ezra, my wolf, becomes excited, almost impatient.
"Ezra, settle down. This could be serious.", I tell him. He just whimpers in reply. I wonder what's gotten in to him?
"Perfect", I tell them, "open the cell".
They unlock the cell door and it slides open. I nod, dismissing them. Ezra howls, startling me.
"You okay?", Toby asks. I nod and turn to enter the cell. The black wolf looks up, and my eyes meet the most beautiful set of violet colored eyes I have ever seen.
I can't stop the growl rumbling in my chest.

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