Chapter 2.1: New Realm

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Theodore slumped on his desk. He looked up at the clock. He couldn't see it. Fitting, as they were Archangels. They generated their own light, constantly. But that left the question of, Why even bother having a clock, if nobody can see it. He fiddled around in his backpack, searching for his 'project.' The teacher kept talking, more and more. Theodore cringed.

-Where's my project?! Gah, It was probably that stuck-up kid, Rick. I can't believe he'd take my things, again. Doesn't he have anybody better to pick on?!-

He kept fidgeting. He wished his only... 'Acquaintance'... Johnathan Greeves was in this class, too. At least then he'd have someone to talk to. After sighing, even more, He looked down at the floor. He felt so tired. Nobody'd notice if he just-


Suddenly, the floor be came transparent. Theodore hopped backwards onto his chair, his body curling into a ball. Everyone else started laughing at him.

"W-what?" Theodore asked, shaking.

As he looked up, he could see that everybody was staring at him, smirking. Theodore blushed, and slowly started to get down. As he did, he stumbled, and fell, landing on his feet. 

-Thank goodness. I don't need anymore fucking embarrassment.- 

As he started to stand up, he tripped over his own feet, and fell backwards onto his chair. Hating himself, he awkwardly rotated himself forward. He would wish he was never here, but He doubted this was any worse than... Being at the palace. It was probably why nobody liked him. He was going to rule over them, and, somehow, being at this place made them disgusted with them, or something.

"Are you done, Ted?" The insufferable teacher asked.

Theodore's face became hot. "Y-yeah. Sure. Whatever... shut up."

"Classy, as always, Ted. Now, as I was saying, Yes the floor is really a window, in order to watch over the lesser beings of existence."

A girl a few seats away from Theodore raised her hand.

"Yes, Hannah." 

"Well, Why would Time Turner ever imprison us here? It's perfect."

"Good question. It is widely believed that us being 'trapped' here was not the punishment, but  that if we ever wanted to leave, we would need to use one of these."

He held up a slightly wrinkled blue stone. Everybody, even Theodore looked at it.

"This, is a replica of an existence orb. There are only 100, in all of existence. In order to exist physically in the real world, we archangels would need to possess a vessel that, in turn, possesses even a fraction of this orb."

A boy, this time right behind Theodore interjected. "And that's the curse? If we can't find one of those, we'd just be ghosts in the 'Real World'?"

"Yes, Michael, That is correct."

Theodore couldn't take much more of this. Did they have school in this... "Real World"? If they did, It couldn't possibly be this mind-numbing. 

-The worst part? This is, by far and away, the most eventful class of the school day. Damn it.- 

The bell finally rung. Theodore sprinted out of the room, and out of the building. He kicked open the doors, and started running to--.

-That's right. From school to...Worse school.-

Theodore started to wish he wasn't the king's son. then they could bust him for running in the halls.

...And bad-mouthing authorities.

...And vandalism...

And... Actually, why hadn't they busted him? Yeah, being a prince was cool, but surely it couldn't be this much of a free parking space.

-Wait, I don't think I said that right.- 

Theodore couldn't think about that anymore, because he was at the palace.

-Fuck! Why do I keep running back here? I'm not even old enough to use electronics without a guard around. Funny, Considering everyone else is considers 17-years-old to be old enough.. Dad could at least say "You're not responsible enough," At least then, he'd actually be right about something.-

Theodore walked up the steps. He dreaded every single one. He didn't have much time, though, since there were only two. He saw a guard by the door. He was wearing yellow and blue armor with a slightly stained dragon logo. Theodore's eyed widened.

"Ronny?! Is that you man?!" Theodore put his hand up. "Hey, I saw those... "Humans" doing this. You have to slap my hand. Because we're friends." 

Ronny didn't move. Theodore assumed he was unimpressed.

"Are you ever going to grow out of your "Human" phase? First it was those disgusting Eldi, then those giant slugs, now this? Any longer, and you might become more rodent than Archangel if you keep imitating those below us."

Theodore was crushed. "But that's what friends do! Does this mean we're not friends?!"

"I'm not paid to be your friend. And even if I was, it's not like you make it easy."

Theodore opened his mouth, but Ronny put his hand on Theodore's shoulder. 

"Your father's expecting you."

"Hide me?"

"Fool me once-"

"Yeah, yeah, alright, shut up."

Theodore walked into the castle. It was elaborately decorated with a crimson carpet, and 3 indoor fountains, 2 by the door, and on that somehow worked upside down. Gold accents trimmed the entire room, with paintings of Theodore, his mother, and his father. And there was his father. A giant, Sitting on a breathtaking golden thrown, In between a smaller silver thrown, and a much smaller copper chair.

-My chair. Not my thrown, not my cushioned, comfortable, air-conditioned thrown, My chair. Again. Damn you, Dad.-

"Hey, Dad. Is Mom back yet?"

"Yes. She is actually right in front of you."

-Yup. Thanks, by the way, Dad, for marrying a midget, miniscule, even to me, and somehow , SOMEHOW having a child, so now, I'll just be a tiny king, Making tiny fucking decisions. I won't even matter. That probably helps so much with my reputation.-

"Oh. Uh... hi...Mom... er...H-how was your trip to...reality?"

The King bent sideways, to listen to his wife. Then, he sat back up.

"She says it was mostly mediocre. Except for that one time. She scratched off A Su-Bead, and it fell and landed on EARTH! Can you believe it? Talk about a small target!"

Theodore's heart stopped. "On Earth? You don't mean... the one in galaxy 22-B1, do you?"

The King looked at Theodore, suspiciously. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but there ARE no other earths, right?"

"DAD! They're atmosphere isn't equipped to handle anything like that! The life forms of that planet will be killed, if they're lucky!"

The King begin rubbing his forehead. "Okay. Okay. I didn't know that. I didn't pay attention to earth. I'm sorry. Yeesh."

"You didn't pay attention to the only planet in 22-B1 That humans can inhabit naturally!?!" Theodore yelled.

"Again, correct me if I'm wrong, but Humans can hardly do anything naturally!"

Theodore was getting sick of this. "I-!... I mean, it doesn't matter what happened, we have to do something."

The king sat back, and looked up at the ceiling. He put his hands together, and looked at Theodore, right in his eyes. "Uh... Yeah. Look, I'd love to agree with you, but... I'm going to have to deny your request, son."

                                                                   End of Chapter 1

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