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Abby Newer was a talented 16 year old girl. She had an amazing voice. She knew what she wanted. What she wanted was to be a singer. She looked up to people like Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez. She wouldn't mind acting either but singing is what she really wants.

She has 2 brothers. Luke always made fun of her singing. (even though she was amazing) Her other brother, Fasi was more shy and hidden which she never knew why. They all three lived with their mom. The dad left when Abby was only two years old. He didn't want anything to do with the boys she was going to have. Luke and Fasi are twins. Fasi was born six minutes after Luke so, sometimes Luke though he could boss around Fasi.

Newer loved reality t.v. shows, Love In The Wild and Big Brother was her favorites. Her favorite game was probably soccer or football. She was more the tom-boy.

Ice cream was her favorite. Any kind of ice cream would do. Even if it was spilt on the sidewalk, she would still pick it up and eat it. She ate ice cream like it was dinner or lunch.

Abby's top three favorite pairs of earings: 1- long pink star earings 2- blue hearts 3- long rainbow shoe earings. Her top necklace is her black friday necklace. Her favorite bracelet is gold with charms on it and her two favorite rings: 1- black and orange puff 2- green, blue and red sprils. She loes jewerly. Everyday, she wears one of them all. She also has lots of hats and scarfs. All of her hats are very pretty, but one of them is tie-dyed and that is her favorite.

Abby just broke up with her boyfriend, Jack. He had black staright hair and peppered green eyes. She broke up with him to be with a new guy, but that guy moved away. She doesn't think it's confusing but all her other friends do.

Abby doesn't have any idea why her dad left. All her mom told her was because he didn't want to get involed. Last summer on her 15th birthday, her mom gave her a beauitful, red, green and orange necklace with little diamonds on the edge. She told her it's from her father. Abby has never wore it yet, and she never plans to. Her mom says that he told her to give it to you someday, to remember him. That's probably made up though.

Newer has always thought about her dad, and talked to her friends about it as well. She wants to find him, but then she thinks he left me, he doesn't love me. Actually, Abby doesn't really belive that, she just doesn't want to show up and having her dad totally embrass her.

Her friends tell them about their family problems, and Abby would tell them hers. She mainly said the same thing every time. "I wish I could tell my dad to come back. He could tell me the turth. Why he left and some other things." Maybe he already has a girlfriend! Wife! Daughter! Son! KidS! Sometimes, Abby would find herself crying, when she thought about everything, that could be happening. It has benn so many years! He could be dead. Maybe he's locked in a basement, cleaning up snout, or maybe he's poor, singing for money, drinking pee and eating his poop! Abby knew she was going insane, thinking about all of this, but what could it hurt.

"Luke, put that down, and stop punching your brother" Abby would hear some nights, as getting tears on her pillow. She would giggle, think about swimming, rock climbing or something fun and fall fast asleep.

.Abby wrote a song about her dad and everything about how she's feeling and other things.

(SING) Feel like it's been forever. You have been here for me. Standing by my bright side. Not taking names from what I can't do. You accpected me. Even if I was a bit different. Didn't know how to fit in... Loving me. Takes lots of. Responabilty. Be able to. Love. Take care of everything. I will always remember when you gave me the key. Then you told me. You hated me. You loved me. You hate me. Ohh! You should of made up your mind. Please!!!!!!!! :) (SING)

She sang it everytime she would get lonely, or feel sad about anything. Her voice could go high or low or right in the middle. Her friends all told her to follow her dreams on becoming a singer, and they all hope she does just that.

When Abby was six, seven and eight she wished she could be a fairy. A wonderful, perfect, purple fairy named Christine. She wanted to be small, and be able to fly away in troubled times. Abby wanted a wand, to make an book apper or have her disapper once in a while.

Abby had short brown hair, that went down to her shoulders. She usally liked it in a ponytail, swinging back and forth and so she could have the brezze hitting her neck. She wore black square glasses and had great looking cheekbones, almost to be a model.

Abby wanted to be singer for two reasons, she wanted to prove herself to people that didn't believe in her, and she wanted to make sure she wanted money. She wanted to have kids and a husband and money, so she could try giving her kids stuff her mom didn't have money for. That's something else about Abby she always wanted good for others, even if it made herself look bad.

Newer always felt so alive and so free. Her mom knew how good her voice was and that she could sing. She once waited in line for America's Got Talent, when she was ten, but it took too long they left. She didn't give up on her singing though. When she was 12, she heard about a singing contest, she entered. When she entered, she entered late, so she didn't get in. Nothing really happened since then with her singing.

Abby never knew she could sing. She just sang little parts with weird voices. When she met her friends, they told her she had a very good voice. Then, she started figuring out how great she was.

She remembered one day, when she was eleven years old, she went to stay with her Uncle John for the weekend. Wrost weekend ever. There was only one room in the apartment, so he told her to sleep on the couch. The couch was grey with rips and holes in every cushion. She didn't agure at all and just dealt with it.

So, Abby went through a lot, and had a lot of good things. That's what makes a person, a person.

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