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So to keep up a timeline I'll list up here the countdown to Aylea leaving. To keep stuffs clear 💕💕

•Three Months Left•

"So If The treatment didn't work, then we need more aggressive none medicinal approaches..." Ki Bum writes it all down in his note book. The others in the circle agree. "Maybe giving them so much medication is a part of the problem? We might have to slowly wean them off and gradually switch them to another medication totally? One with a lower dose but better effect."

Na Ra nods "That makes sense's all psychological after all. If they feel crazy they're never going to get any better."

Tae Kyung returns and sits on the floor with them in the living room of his apartment. He passes around sodas for them "Why don't we let some of them go to the garden area? And the gym at the hospital? The ones that aren't a danger to themselves of course. Sitting in a room and being prodded at won't help anyone." Ki Bum sighs "We'd never get clearance for that."

Aylea shrugs "Well Why don't we try at least? Tae Kyung is right, being boxed up won't help anyone. Yes we are students, but at the end of the day we all need high marks to be sent to the university so we can pass and move on to good jobs. We won't get that by being generic. We need to show our passion for our job. Lets strive for greatness." She smiles.

Na Ra smirks "You've never sounded so American." She teases. "Hush!" She pushes her playfully and the group laughs before getting back to studying. They had decided that instead of studying at the hospital, they'd pick whose apartment they'd go to and study there. The host has to provide food of course. Naturally.


Nicole crosses her arms as the three friends sit on a bench at the park "You went on a date, three whole days ago, and were just now hearing about this?" Rumina shakes her head "Shame on you. I thought we told each other everything."

Aylea shakes her head "Y'all are literally so dramatic. Bedsides, Ha Ni..." she looks at Rumina "I saw that text from your classmate. We all know about Seung Jo at least, who's this guy you're talking to?"

Rumina turns beet red "Ahhh about that...he's just a classmate. We exchange notes and such. That's all." Aylea smirks "mhmm...and eat lunch together? I'm sure you'd be together right now if I didn't ask y'all to meet me here." She then turns to Nicole "And you...I'm watching you closely..." she sits back.

Nicole and Rumina stare ahead, not sure what to say at that point. "Fine...but he knows you're leaving soon?" Rumina asks. Aylea nods "Yup, we agreed to make the best of it. We'll both regret the what ifs of letting this time go." She sighs. Nicole grins "what if he stops you at the airport and begs you to stay?"

Aylea shrugs "He knows how important my career is to me right now. I have to establish myself before I can just throw away my opportunities. " "I'm so proud of my Kotoko." Rumina hugs her tightly. Aylea shakes her head with a grin "I'm proud of both of you."

"What's he doing now? You have time off and he's not spending it with you?" Nicole inquires. "He does have a life of his own you know, running two businesses isn't easy." She reminds them. They nod "How's your mom? I miss her." Rumina admits.

Aylea sighs "She thinks it's a bad idea so our conversations have been rather curt. But she's doing fine. And Angie and Simon as well." "What about you guys family?" She asks. Rumina smiles "My mom is doing fine and my brother as well. He's doing big gaming tournaments and such."

Nicole rolls her eyes at the thought of her family "my mom and dad are okay. My little brothers though...imma slap those bitches." Aylea laughs "Sounds like everyone is doing okay. I really miss home but I'll really miss it here."

Rumina nods "Not having to worry about getting robbed, raped, kidnapped, killed." She sighs dreamily as they glance around.

"Sadly we've only got two months left. Lucky Aylea gets three." Nicole pouts. Aylea smiles "But when you two get home and get your hands on those degrees in forensics science and criminology, you'll be living the life. Plus you two took your college break already. I decided to go straight through my 12 years and I've missed out on stuff. So at least this was I can explore and study."

Nicole nods "True...I can't wait to hold that diploma. And there will start my successful career and I'll buy ice cream without feeling guilty for spending money..."

The three stare ahead. " expenses really make you see life differently." Aylea scratches her head. "Yeahhh...lets go eat." She stands. The other two follow "Eat what?" Rumina asks and Aylea grins "I'm gonna cook some good ole American food. Straight from the South just like us. I already scavenged the stores for the ingredients so, lets go put it together." She says excitedly as she terribly missed the food from home.

"That sounds amazing right now." Nicole sighs in bliss and they all follow Aylea out of the park.

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