Twenty Nine

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"Are You Sure we can visit him together? His heart..." Seung Jo frowns as Aylea takes his hand in hers. She purposely wore a tighter fitting shirt to accentuate her 3 month belly. It was small and cute. She likes it. "Yes, I'm his therapist and he hasn't objected to my presence." She opens the door and walks in.

Mrs Choi looks over and her eyes widen when she sees them together. Seung Jo stands, Aylea next to him beeming. "Dad, how are you feeling?" He asks.

Mr Choi squints as if trying to remember, looking between the two. "Uh...Aylea. You're the one dating my son." He nods to remind himself. "You're pregnant?" He smiles "Thats wonderful. I'll be a grandfather."

Mrs Choi looks shocked, "Honey, remember what we talked about?" She goes to his side and takes his hand. He blinks in confusion, "What?" He thinks. Aylea smirks, watching his mother's plan fall apart in front of her eyes.

"Ah...but Why would you still be with her Seung Jo?" He looks at his son. Seung Jo sighs, "Because I love her. And no matter what I'm going to be with her. This child doesn't change that."

Mr Choi shakes his head "Even though she ruined you? She can't be trusted." Mrs Choi pats his arm, eyes slightly wide "Calm down honey." "I'm not upset, I'm just confused. If a girl cheated on me with my sponsor and ruined my business I'd never forgive her."

Seung Jo raises a brow "Cheated? Aylea never cheated on me. And my sponsor is an 80 year old man. Also, she saved my business. What are you talking about?"

Mr Choi looks at his wife "I'm confused..." she pats his arm and looks at Seung Jo and Aylea "Lets talk outside." She says walking past them. Aylea follows after her and Seung Jo after her.

"Mom...what's going on? What did you tell dad?" Seung Jo asks once they step into the hallway, and close the door. Mrs Choi looks down, playing with her fingers. " have to understand. Your dad is sick and is forgetting things so I have to take care of things he can't. He wouldn't want you with her. And a child would be...terrible. " she shakes her head. "I'm just doing what's best for our family." She says.

Aylea stays quiet, This a battle of Seung Jo and Young Ae. "What About what's best for me? What about what I want? What about what's best for the baby? Aylea and I are adults that make our own decisions. That baby did nobody anything wrong and you were going to let it suffer? Your own grandchild?" Seung Jo does his best not to shout in public. Aylea takes his hand, wanting him calmer and not so stressed.

Glancing at their hands, he takes a breath and tries to calm down. Mrs Choi scoffs "Look here, she has a mother fussing with her child."

Seung Jo laughs humorlessly, "YOU have a mother and child fussing. You almost separated a father and mother with child, because of your lies. Dad was never as cruel as you're being now. So don't blame his illness. If he forgets this day happened, Fine. But don't you dare speak a word against Aylea to him. Or you won't have a child or grandchild." With that he walks off, guiding Aylea with him.

The boi's got balls now

What's momma Choi gonna do??

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