Twenty One

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"Aylea thats not what I'm saying. I'm just used to my mom and dad helping me with these things. I'm not used to you with these things yet. That's all." He rubs his face tiredly.

She thinks. His mom was right, compared to his parents she was almost nothing. They've only known each other for a short time and when it boiled down to it, he'd chose his parents over her. It made sense though. They are his parents. And his dad is sick. She can't drop the pregnancy bomb on him now, it'd be too much.

She doesn't realize how long she's been in thought until Seung Jo starts to walk over to her. "No," she backs up and he stops. "Just Leave. This isn't going to work."

His eyes widen "W-what? Over a little argument? Aylea you can't be serious." He reaches for her but she pushes his hands away "It's not just a little argument Seung Jo it's more than that. More than I can explain. I'm sorry-" she turns quickly and rushes to her room slamming the door shut.

Pressing her back to the door, she lets out her sob. It was better this way though. She can't break up a family that needs each other. When his fathers health levels out, she'll let him know about the pregnancy and let him know that he won't have to do anything. She doesn't need him. She can take care of the child on her own.


Seung Jo stares at the door in shock for what feels like years, but is really only a few moments. He had just gotten her back and she was...breaking up with him? What did he say so wrong? No, this can't be right. "Aylea." He knocks on the door but all he hears is her sobs. They shatter his heart.

He waits a few more minutes "I love you Aylea..." he turns from her door and shuffles to leave, running a hand through his hair completely stressed.

His mom told him she But he didn't know why she was so upset. She was completely normal the day before yesterday. Then all of a sudden she rushes off to Ki Bum and ignores all his calls and texts. He was on his way to her apartment when his mom called to tell him his dad had collapsed at home and was brought to the hospital. By the time he arrived, his father was on a breathing machine and could not speak. He felt horrible.

His Chicken shop...the sponsor was talking about pulling their sponsorship. Of course he always has his other restaurant, the chicken shop is his first. It's important to him. And all his employees would suddenly be out of a job. To keep it afloat he'd have to let a few people go to keep the money rolling at an affordable rate.

Now Aylea was breaking up with him...and wouldn't even tell him why. She felt he didn't trust her enough? It's not that he doesn't trust her, He Just doesn't want to worry her and scare her off with his issues. Well that backfired on him. Now she wanted nothing to do with him. She said there's more reasons but he just can't wrap his head around it. What did he do wrong?

He grabs two bottles of beer, ignoring Hye Min's questions and goes upstairs to his apartment when he gets to the chicken shop. He lays across the sofa and opens the beer, drinking the contents. Closing his eyes he lets his head rest back, a huge headache forming right along side his heartache. Even if she didn't want it anymore, she still has his heart. And she was just smashing it to pieces.

Waahhhhhhh 😭😭
Oppa 😪
Is Aylea doing too much? Going too far?
Probably yeah lmao but oh well

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