Evolution: Chapter 5

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There are things I want to do, that I know I shouldn't.

Eric always called them my animal instincts, told me not to let them be my primary influence on behaviour. But it didn't feel like animal behaviour; it felt like mine.

Before, it was easier. There were eyes constantly watching me, restraining those urges. But now? It was harder, especially since I'd already broken the barrier.

"Are you trying to get me killed!?"

Venom emerged from the thickly falling snow, a boot slamming hard against my chest. I stumbled back with a shout, barely even able to catch my breath. Her angular features were furious, and those reptilian eyes seemed to expand.

"The hell are you doing on this end!?" Three snarled, his voice low. His hand lashed out, curling around her slender neck, "This is our route!"

Her eerie green eyes dilated as she bared her teeth at him, revealing four curved canines. It was like she was daring him to come closer, "Your little wanderer has strayed onto my route!" She hissed, the noise made me want to shudder, "And you're not alone anymore."

My muscles tightened in anticipation, and I found it hard to catch my breath. If anything, now it was harder to inhale. What would happen when I inhaled? It felt like the barrier inside me would just snap.

All of this, everything about it; it made it feel like a hunt. What scared me about that? It excited my other side too much.

For a moment, I felt like I was possessed. There's something that has crawled under my skin, like a parasite, and eating away at that thinning sliver of humanity inside of me. Does everyone feel like this? I've never felt this before.

My tongue craves the coppery pinch of wet crimson, and I don't have to look at my hands to see the long, thick, talons poking out the bottom. Black like the darkness that was coiling its way around my mind, and I had to fight against it.

I needed to.

"Six." Three's voice was a steely note, "Handle it; now."

Fascination mixed with irritation dripped through Venom. She grabbed Three's strong arm with one hand, and slammed her booted foot against him. Watching her effortlessly release herself from his grip, in one fluid motion, made my head spin.

"I don't care what her problem is," She began, her teeth bared with every word, "Just stay the hell out of my way!"

Three growled at her threateningly, already reaching down to haul me back up. I hadn't realized that I'd even been kneeling in the snow. Now, without it's numbing coldness, I exhaled deeply and bit down on my tongue.

"They're close." Three announced to the stillness, his head bowed in focus, "Which way-"

Venom, like she was one of the snow flakes, had vanished in the breeze. Three cursed in disgruntlement but I swallowed thickly, "I can follow her tracks." I muttered, squinting my eyes through the blizzard.

News warnings had been announced earlier to stay indoors. Looks like that wasn't the safe option anymore. Three gripped me by the shoulder, stopping my boots dead in the snow, and I lifted my head.

"I'm fine." I promised, answering the silent question, "It was a hitch; it won't happen again."

I didn't like lying, but what else could I do? We were unprepared for an attack, in the middle of blizzard. Snow didn't stop falling because danger arrived on our doorstep, it fell heavier. Trying to catch a scent out here was almost impossible.

Following Venom's footsteps was useless. I don't know how to she managed to move so fast, but she did. I couldn't help but wonder what she was, if she was like us or not. I should have heard her before I could see her.

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