Evolution: Chapter 35

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"This is ridiculous. What in hell's name are you doing?"

My feet hit the floor before Ripper even stepped into the room. Despite the early hours of the morning, he was already dressed, wearing dark fitted pants with a rich maroon shirt. His hair was already combed, and a light cologne hung from him.

Whereas I'd been spent across the covers of my bed, listening to one of Delia's cassette tapes. This one was filled with romantic songs, honestly, I don't know how people found the words to explain what they did.

Some of it was so relatable.

"What are you doing?" I challenged, extremely aware he had stepped inside the room. I'd never seen him in here before, maybe stood by the door, but he never crossed the threshold, "Where are you going?"

Ripper looked at me in exasperation, "To the city, obviously!" He announced, shaking his head at me. As if I were the one who was being irrational, "Where's your bag? We're leaving."

"I can't leave!" I snorted looking at him, like the insane man he is. Honestly, how much of that scotch had he drunk tonight? "I was specifically told to stay here."

I didn't like it, but I knew how to follow an order. In fact, I hated it and I hated the fact that I needed to be benched in order to prove how stable I was. There were three busted punching bags in the gym that could prove how unhappy I was about it.

Ripper muttered something under his breath, "Rules are the cage that hold back greatness." He stated snapping his fingers in the direction of the wardrobe, "Little wolf, do not lock yourself in there with the only sad saps of the world."

"You don't get it!" I snapped furiously, capturing his attention. He looked at me in disdain, "My alpha gave me an order to stay here."

Releasing a long breath, he turned to me. It didn't escape my attention how Ripper actively avoided looking around the room. As if being within its very walls was causing him a great amount of distress, but he covered it well.

The man knew how to wear a façade.

"And you know you don't have to obey it." Ripper surprised me by saying, appealing to something at the back of my mind, "You are more than capable of packing a bag, and following me out of here."

I inhaled deeply, not wanting to ask because I didn't know if I could. Following an alpha's order was an innate want of mine. It is the wolf in me who wanted to obey him, but I did not at the back of my mind, that I could resist.

I just didn't know if I wanted to.

"Tell me about Daedalus." My tone took on a serious note, and I crossed my arms over my chest, "If you tell me about that, I might leave with you."

He pinched the bridge of his nose, keenly aware of the minutes we were losing. When Ripper lifted his head to look at me again, there was regret in his gaze but mostly all I could see was clarity in what I was asking for.

"Pack a bag whilst we do this," He rolled his eyes towards the ceiling, "At least then I have an inkling that you might stick to your word."

Moving towards Delia's wardrobe, I found a rucksack crumpled at the bottom. However, my attention wasn't focused on what I was stuffing inside. Instead, Ripper had every inch of it on his words.

Daedalus was apparently the name of an extremely advanced bonding agent between chemicals. Basically, a super glue that could hold together chemicals that should react negatively. Which is why Anders is so sick, his body was poisons that should destroy each other.

But instead, they were destroying him.

"Daedalus was a bonding agent I created in my youth." Ripper began, his tone earnest. I noticed the faraway look in his darkened eyes as he spoke, "It was meant to be a weapon; one that could bond even the most unstable chemicals together. I was very proud of its success, no amount of friction could separate my solutions when I contributed the Daedalus."

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