#20 - first kiss » calum

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You and Calum had been out on a couple of dates already and you were beginning to wonder why he hadn't kissed you yet. You thought maybe because he didn't like you in that way, or maybe he was just too nervous.

You hoped it would be the latter, you wanted him to like you in that way. You didn't really understand the reasoning behind it, and it certainly didn't stop you from going out on dates with him.

Today, you were spending time at his house with his family. He had volunteered you both to make the dinner so you started preparing the food while Calum got his family settled in the lounge with a DVD.

It was nice to see Calum around his family for a change because it showed how caring and how affectionate he was towards the people who meant the most to him.

"Cal, can you pass me the flour please?" you asked nicely even though you didn't like the fact that you had to cook.

Cooking wasn't your strong point but you were still going to try anyway. Calum passed you the bag making sure that it tipped over on the counter so that it went down the front of you, causing you to gasp at the contact.

You sent a death glare at him only to see him doubled over with laughter. You grabbed the closest thing to you which was tomatoes and you threw them at him. They landed on his white shirt leaving a red trail behind them as they fell to the floor.

Calum began laughing again as he picked the flour bag up and tipped it over your head as you half screamed at the contact. Suddenly food was flying everywhere and you managed to slip on the floor, falling onto your back with a loud thud. It hurt your back but you smiled through it anyway.

Calum stopped what he was doing immediately and began making his way towards you as he held out his hand to pull you up. As he pulled you up, you slipped again falling into his chest and he laughed at your clumsiness.

You could see his head leaning in so you mirrored his actions and soon his lips met yours as he lifted you up onto the counter. You couldn't have pictured a better first kiss until you saw his parents standing in the doorway with disapproving looks on their faces.

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