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Class the next day drags on. I've had almost no sleep, as Harry and I stayed up so late the previous night. Don't take that the wrong way; all we did was talk.

Harry texts me periodically throughout the day, which is probably the only thing that's keeping me awake. I try really hard to focus on my assignments all day, but it's proving to be increasingly difficult as time passes.

Eventually, after hours of forced attention, I'm released. On the way home, I stop at the store to get some groceries. I go around the store, adding stuff to the basket that I'm running low on.

My day was unremarkable. Nothing extraordinary happened, but it wasn't a bad day, either. Just a simple, boring day that ended with spaghetti, a long bath, homework for class, and sleep.

The day after that is significantly more tolerable than the one before. I wake up at a good time, eat a big muffin for breakfast, and I end up looking cute as hell. My makeup even turns out the way it's supposed to. When I'm ready, I leave for class. Which allows me to show up almost fifteen minutes early. I look over the work I've completed, satisfied with my answers before giving it to the professor.

All day, things go right. I can focus much more than I was able to yesterday, I'm understanding things easily, and I'm laughing and getting along with peers that I wouldn't usually bother with. The best part, however, is that Harry keeps texting me. Whenever possible, I answer him.

Still, I don't see Harry again for days. We still text each other, and sometimes we call, but I don't see him until the day of his match. I go ten days longing to see him. He's been busy, though, which is understandable. It happens. I guess he's been working hard for this match, because he's nervous for some reason.

When Zayn and I arrive at the arena three hours from our house, the first thing I do is let Harry know we've arrived. He promises to come out in a minute.

Zayn, Liam, and I take seats in the front. I go into the hallway to wait for Harry. There are so many people. I smile at the ones that smile at me, and even say hi back to a few of them. A little girl runs up to me. I wonder where her parents are, but push the thought away. They'll show up soon enough, I hope.

"Hi!" She exclaims.

"Hi." I beam at her.

"I like your skirt. It's really pretty." She tells me. I'm in a baby pink skater skirt, which I've paired with a black sweater and white tights to stay warm. It's colder than usual outside, considering it's early April.

"Thank you." I say. "I like your braids." Her dirty blonde hair is in two braids, one coming over each shoulder.

"Thank you!" She gasps, grabbing one of the braids. Harry comes up after a minute and looks at the child that's still admiring a lock of her hair.

"Who's this?" He asks.

"I'm not sure. What's your name?" I ask the girl. She looks back up at me before her green eyes flash to Harry.

"My parents love you! You're their favorite!" She chimes. She's so excited about everything, and her joy is very contagious.

"That's nice." Harry smiles. "That made my day." The little girl grins.

"My name is Luna." She informs us.

"Nice to meet you, Luna. I'm Harry, and this is Louis." He shakes her small hand.

Just then, two women come up.

"Luna! There you are!" One of them exclaims. She looks at Harry.

"And you've run into Harry Styles of all people." The other woman chuckles. "We're huge fans."

Harry grins at them.

"Thank you." He says.

"These are my mommies!" Luna chirps, gripping one of their hands.

"Hello." Harry greets them.

"I'm Delilah, and this is my wife, Paisley." She introduces both of them. After getting a picture and some autographs, Harry meets several more fans. I awkwardly stand by his side, unsure of what to do.

After about seven people, he turns to me.

"Are you alright?" He checks. I nod.

"Yeah, just awkward." I chuckle. "Sorry."

"It's fine, Louis. I just don't want to overwhelm you." He tells me. I shake my head in response.

"I'm not overwhelmed." I assure him. He nods and goes back to signing things, meeting people, taking pictures, and holding conversations with strangers. He seems so happy here, with his green eyes glowing and a dimpled smile almost never leaving his lips.

It's beautiful.

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