45 (Epilogue)

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I've just given Emmett a bath and I'm making him a bottle. He's four months old now. Harry and I have been together for almost two years.

"Can I talk to you?" Harry asks.

"Yeah. Let me finish this and then put the baby in bed." I say. Harry nods.

When the bottle is ready, I walk upstairs to Emmett's nursery. There, I sit in a chair and feed him. He falls asleep halfway through, as usual. I place him in bed and lay a small, blue blanket with a big green t rex on it over his little body. He's so precious.

When I make sure he's really asleep, I grab the half empty bottle and turn off the light. I close the door almost all the way, but leave it open a crack so we can hear if he cries and so there's a small amount of light seeping into his room. He's very young, but he already doesn't react well to total darkness.

We went to one of Harry's matches today, and he won. It was so cute, because the first thing he did was grab the baby and hold him close. He kissed his little forehead and said, and I quote exactly, "that one was for you, buddy."

We both love our baby so much, obviously. And I love to watch Harry with him. It's the cutest thing, because he's just so fond of the little guy, and he's so soft and adorable.

I walk downstairs and put the half full bottle in the fridge. If Emmett wakes up within the next few hours, it can be heated up and used. If not, it'll have to be dumped and a fresh one will have to be made whenever he does wake up.

I walk into the living room and stand next to the TV.

"What's up?" I ask Harry. "Is everything okay? You said that you needed to talk to me."

He nods and kisses my forehead.

"Everything's fine." He assures me. I nod, still unsure of what he's about to say and still a bit worried. He shoots me a soft smile and then it hits me. He looks nervous. And if he looks nervous, can everything really be fine? Harry isn't one to show his nerves often. In fact, he's not one to even get nervous a lot. Now I'm even more anxious. This is most likely something bad.

Lots of possibilities run through my mind, and I try to push them away the best that I can. To get him to say something, I finally speak.

"What is it?" I ask.

He takes my hand. Uh oh.

Then he clears his throat and gets down on one knee. Well, I most definitely was not expecting this. This isn't bad at all. This is fantastic!

"Louis, I love you so much. I know we've been through a lot, but I wouldn't trade any of this for anything. You are my world. My happiness. My love. You mean more to me than anything in this whole universe. Some people a long time ago said that you're born with two of everything except a heart, because your mission is to find the heart that belongs with yours. Well I found mine. You're everything to me, Louis. When I run out of road, you always bring me home. I want to spend my life with you. I love you. Will you marry me?" He asks.

I gasp at his beautiful words.

"Yes!" I exclaim. He slips the ring onto my left hand, where my fourth finger meets my knuckle.

Just another piece in the puzzle that will eventually include every part of our forever.

The end

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