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We start moving into the house a week later. Everything from my house is packed and ready to go, and Zayn has been helping me get it to the new house. During the last trip, he sighs.

"I'm really going to miss you, Louis." He tells me.

"I'll miss you too. We'll still see each other, right?" I make sure. He's acting as if I've moving across the country.

"You see, here's the thing." He starts. Oh no. This is what I was fearing, only it's too late to do anything about it now. We've already bought the house! We're already almost done moving in! I can't lose Zayn. He's my best friend.

"What?" I frown.

"Liam wants to get a place together." He informs me. Oh. That's not too bad, then. Surely, that won't keep us apart. I've worried for nothing.

"Oh." I reply. "That's good."

He sighs and looks at the road for a minute. I can't read his expression, because I'm the one driving.

"What's wrong?" I question.

"Nothing. I just, wasn't sure if you'd like the idea or not." He tells me. I know that isn't the problem. There's something more, I can sense it in his voice. But I don't press the issue. Zayn will tell me when he's ready. Until then, I allow him to change the subject.

"So, are you excited to start this new part of your life?" He asks me. I nod.

"I can't wait. Harry should be finishing up soon, then we can set the house up and everything."  I respond. He nods, and I glance over at him. He's still staring at the road in front of us.

When we arrive, he helps me carry everything in. Then it's quiet between us.

"It really is a pretty house. I can definitely see you two starting a family here." He tells me.

"Thank you." I say. He glances around the living room and sighs. The sigh carries a hint of sadness, but I still don't want to pressure him into telling me what's going on. He'll do that when he's ready to.

"I love you. If anything goes wrong and you need out of here, call me. I'll be here as fast as I can. Be smart. And safe! Be safe until you're married." He warns me. I giggle, my face heating up.

"We will be! I love you too. And thank you." I say. He nods, hugs me tightly, and leaves.

Harry gets there twenty minutes later. We start pulling things out of boxes and putting them in their designated places. Harry turns music on, and we sing lyrics to our favorite artists together. This is a huge milestone in our lives, and I should be happier. And I'm ecstatic; I really am. But part of me can't help worrying about Zayn. He was visibly upset, and I have no idea why. I know that he'll talk to me about it in time, if it's important, but I still care and I'm still concerned. He's still my best friend.


Unpacking takes two exhausting days. When the house is set up and we're both satisfied, we take so many pictures. Then, we sit on the couch and Harry orders pizza.

My phone starts ringing ten minutes into an old episode of Friends. I pick it up almost right away when I see that it's Zayn. Two days ago, we got into an argument.

I couldn't stand not knowing what was hurting him. I asked, and he snapped at me. He told me to stop being so pushy and annoying. He told me to give him space. We argued for several minutes before he hung up.

"Hello?" I question.

"Louis, I need to talk to you." He says.

"Okay. What's up?" I wonder.

"Liam and I are moving in together. You already know that." He reminds me.

"Yeah." I nod, even though he can't see me.

"Liam took a college offer in California. So, um, we're leaving." He informs me. My jaw drops. What?

"Y- you're moving... To... California?" I have to soak in the words as I say them.

"Yes." He says.

My best friend is moving to California.

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