"Of course you can talk to me. Is everything okay?" I respond.

"Yes, I hope so. I think everything is fine, anyway. It really just depends on your take on this whole thing." He shrugs. I nod.

"Did I do something?" I worry. He giggles again.

"No, you haven't done anything. Well, not anything wrong." He replies. I'm unsatisfied with that answer, but I decide not to voice it. I want him to just tell me what's going on, rather than pondering over things I may or may have dons right or things I apparently didn't do wrong. Despite him saying I've done nothing wrong, I still worry. I will until he spits out whatever it is he wants to say. Which is taking forever, might I add.

After a moment of studying my face, he sighs.

"Don't get mad, okay? Please?" He asks. This will be a hard promise to commit to, because I have no clue what I'm walking into. I can hide my anger, but I can't vow to not get mad in the first place. That's just not fair. So I don't.

"I'm not promising. But I'll really try." I state. I just hope whatever he's about to tell me isn't infuriating.

He nods. "Okay."

He thinks for a moment, probably about how he's going to word it. No matter what he's thinking about, though, it's absolutely killing me not being able to know. I keep myself from becoming too impatient by reminding myself that he's about to tell me, that I'll know soon enough. Not much time passes, though it feels like an eternity. Finally, he clears his throat and looks into my eyes. I raise an eyebrow.

"Okay, so I've been thinking about this for several weeks now. We've only known each other for about six months, but I definitely have feelings for you. Besides, we've seen each other almost every single day for that time, and for several hours when we do see each other." Harry starts.

"Yeah." I say. It's been almost seven months since our first date, which really isn't long, but it's long enough that I know I have strong feelings for him. Apparently, he has feelings for me as well.

"And I get it if you don't, you know, feel the same or whatever. And I'm really nervous about asking you this." He confesses.

"It's okay, Harry. I do feel the same way." I tell him. He grins at me. I've just confessed that I've fallen for him completely, but I don't feel embarrassed or anything about it like I should. Likely because he just ranted to me about how he feels the same way.

"Anyway, I've been wanting to ask if, um, you'll be mine?" He asks, nervousness evident in his tone and his eyes.

I raise my eyebrows, a smile working its way onto my lips and billions of butterflies exploding in my stomach.

"Like, your boyfriend? You want me to be your actual boyfriend?" I question. His green eyes meet mine again.

"Yeah, I do." He nods. I grin at his answer, so big it hurts a little bit.

"Of course I'll be yours." I state. Harry smiles and pulls me into a tight hug. When he pulls away, he places a soft kiss on my forehead.

"That's really good to hear." He breathes. I giggle.

"I'm glad." I respond.

"How are you feeling?" I worry.

He shrugs.

"It kind of hurts, but it's whatever. I'll get over it." He tells me. I frown.

"Is there anything I can do?" I question. I'm willing to do anything if it means helping him.

"Stay here with me." He answers, holding his hand out. I take it, lacing our fingers together tightly. I never want to release his hand that so perfectly fits mine. Almost like it's meant to be; like they were made for each other.

"I already planned on it. I'm not going anywhere. I promise." I tell him. He smiles at me.

"Good." He says. I smile back.

I lean down, my heart beating so fast as I inch my lips toward his.

That's when the door bursts open. Liam and Zayn come into the room and gently close the door behind them. Unfortunately, when they opened the door, Harry and I both jumped apart. It startled us.

"Louis!" Liam gasps.

"What?" I ask. He hesitates as he looks at Harry.

"We brought you guys food. We weren't exactly sure what you wanted." I'm fairly certain that that isn't what he was originally going to say, but I don't mention that. Instead, all four of us eat in almost perfect silence. The TV is on, playing some random movie that doesn't seem interesting at all.

Liam and I go to the bathroom after we eat. Zayn stays behind to keep Harry company.

"So, what's going on?" Liam questions.

"What do you mean?" I ask. "He can't do boxing anymore, you were here for the list of injuries, he's not mad anymore..." I begin listing things.

"No! I mean, between you two. I saw you holding hands." He states. I smile and look up at him.

Then I tell him about the conversation and every little detail of what happened while he was gone with Zayn, ending with how he asked me to be his. I leave out the parts where he told me to stay here with him and where they interrupted our almost first kiss, but Liam's very happy for me.

"That's really great, Louis. I'm so happy right now. Even though I was a few months off with the time he asked you." He fake pouts. I giggle.

"I'm happy, too." I reply. And I really am. Considering everything that's happened, I'm as happy as I can be right now. And I hope Harry feels the same way.

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