Chapter 5 ~ Left Behind

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Hey guys! Back at it again with another chapter. Writer's block has been a bitch recently. So basically I have everything planned out I just didn't know the best way to transition part A to part B but I know how to now. So I was asked if the Akatsuki ships are there throughout the whole story, and the answer is no, they are basically just there to move the story along and they really aren't used in the story again so if you don't like the ships have no fear! The main ships are ShikaTema, SasuSaku, NaruHina, Nejiten, and SaiIno, so yeah don't worry. Anyways see you at the bottom my lovelies.

Chapter 5 - Left Behind

Ino's POV

I was depressed, not like I didn't expect this. When you date someone like Sai, you should always expect the unexpected. He'll say he understands feelings but from what I saw earlier he doesn't know anything about mine. I had real feelings for him, it was safe to say I loved him. I didn't want to think it would end up this way, but it did. I couldn't do anything about it, I couldn't fight him because I would lose and that would just prove their point. I couldn't yell because that would defeat the purpose. All I could do was cry and regret ever falling in love. Especially since it was with a heartless idiot. "Damn it, why do bad things always happen to me," I yelled out loud. Temari turned to me and scoffed.

"Join the club," Temari groaned. I glared at her and rolled my eyes. We stopped running when we saw a crying Hinata make her way towards us.

"H-he broke his promise, he said he d-doesn't care, that he never did, I hate him," Hinata yelled in fury. I watched as Sakura put a hand on Hinata's shoulder. Out of all of us, they had it the worse. They have been waiting for Naruto and Sasuke for years. Since they were kids they have been dreaming of the day their fantasy would come true and they would be with their love and when it finally happened their hearts were crushed by cruel reality. I watched and I felt helpless, I couldn't do anything.

"I want to leave," Tenten declared. Everyone turned to her. I was about to speak up but Hinata stepped forward before I could.

"Me too, I don't want to be in this godawful village anymore, it's filled with heartache and regret and I want nothing to do with it," Hinata spoke confidently. She didn't stutter as much anymore, it started when she started dating Naruto. I watched as Sakura moved to her side.

"Then I'm in too," she paused and looked at me and Tenten,"how do you guys feel about it?"

I smirked and looked at Tenten and slung my arm over her shoulder and pulled her close.

"Of course we want to leave, what type of question even is that forehead?" Tenten laughed and slung her arm over my shoulder.

"So it's settled we're leaving this dump, let's leave tomorrow at sunset, go to the gate and meet there, I'll see if can get some fake mission slips, okay," Tenten explained. We all nodded and jumped away.

Time Skip to 2 hours later...

I walked out of my house to get supplies of our trip I saw Sai as I walked to the market, he was with Naruto and they looked like they were talking about a recent mission. I rolled my eyes and continued to walk. "Ino, Ino, wait Ino," I heard Naruto call out. I continued to walk and pretended like I didn't hear him. I felt him grab my arm and I turned to him and pulled my arm away in disgust.

"What, are you here to call me a useless bitch again, cause' save it, I don't need to be told what I already know isn't true." I looked at Sai and waited for him to say something stupid. Sai looked at me and his gaze stayed on me and I was starting to get uncomfortable. I let out a bitter laugh,
"What, are you finally realizing what you lost," I said in a threatening whisper. I shoulder-bumped Naruto out of the way and made my way towards Sai.

"I-Ino I'm sorry I-," I cut him off by punching him. He didn't fall over like I hoped, but I did send him a few inches back.

"Fuck off Sai, all of you can go eat shit," I said to them before I turned my back and made my way tot eh appliances store. I'm leaving this village behind along with all the fucked up people inhabiting it.


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