Chapter 6 ~ Hearts Forgotten and Boundaries Discovered

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Wow, guys, I'm back! Soooo I seriously wasn't gonna continue but tinypuc62 changed my outlook so I've chosen to continue. I know all he or she said was to update but the fact that not only someone reading it but the fact that they put it on their recommended list makes me feel really nice about myself and I know that sounds stupid but it's true, so thanks! So this is chapter 6 and I hope you enjoy! See you at the bottom my lovelies.

Chapter 6 ~ Hearts Forgotten and Boundaries Discovered

Temari's POV

We walked to the gate of the village gate and we were greeted by Izumo and Kotetsu, they seemed to be in a heated discussion and they were arguing back and forth, "No! The Kages would never let that happen, don't be stupid you-," He stopped talking when he realized we were there, "oh hi girls, are you going on a mission?" Tenten stepped in front of us and showed them the false mission slip.

"Yes, we won't be back for a few days considering it's in the Hidden Village of Rock, it will take some time but have no fear," Tenten showed them a wide reassuring grin,"we'll be fine!" We said our goodbyes and started to jump into the trees. When we were at least 2 miles from the village we all stopped jumping. I took off my Hitaiate and they took out theirs. I took out a kunai and used it to carve a scratch through the Hidden Sand symbol, I watched as they did the same to their Hitaiate.

"I guess now, we're officially rouge," I sighed. They nodded and we started to jump through the trees again.

Time Skip to 3 hours later...

I started to hear rustling and I stopped jumping. The girls looked back at me but pointed to my fan and they instantly got the message. They all took out kunai and hopped out of the trees and took a defensive stance. "Who's there," Sakura yelled, "answer me!" Hinata activated her Byakugan and looked at the tree. Her eyes widened and her mouth fell agape.

"I-I-It's the-," Hinata was cut off by a snickering. We heard a loud thump and turned to the noise. We were faced with two figures with black cloaks decorated with red clouds. The figure on the left took off their hat and revealed their blonde hair, the one on left followed suit, revealing his midnight black hair.

"What are Konoha nin doing here, un? A mission or perhaps an invasion, un, oh that would we be cool to watch right Itachi, un," The blonde man babbled. The black-haired man was visibly irritated and Ino could help but snort as she tried to keep in a laugh. I noticed that the black-haired man looked at Ino with interest.

"Well we could ask you the same thing, what are Akatsuki nin doing in the Hidden Village Of Rain," Tenten questioned. I looked around, the tension was thick.

" Okay, let's get one thing straight, we are no longer Konoha nin," Sakura yelled as she showed him her Hitaiate, "and we are here because we can be if we want!" The blonde man snickered and put his hand in front of Sakura to shake.

" I'm Deidra and this is Itachi and if I'm being honest you guys got spunk and with spunk there's potential so how about you guys come back with us," Deidra smirked. Sakura rolled her eyes and smacked away his hand.

"As if we would join the Akatsuki, everyone would be hot on our tails, let's be smart," Sakura scolded. Deidra smirked and look at Tenten.

"It's a shame if she was in Akatsuki maybe I wouldn't have to obsess over art because I can obsess over her," He quipped. His smirk never faltered but even a fool could see his remark had an effect. Tenten looked away and touched her red cheeks.

"Petty words wo-," Sakura was cut off by Tenten stepping in front of her.

"We'll go."


Sooo, guys, I know I haven't done an A/N in a while but that's because I have been working on the chapters that I will be posting so it doesn't take me a long time to update so I tend to forget to do one. So yeah guys I'm sorry! The next chapter will probably be uploaded the same day as this one so yeah, bye guys <3!


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