Chapter 8 ~ Regrets Eat Away At Your Heart

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I want to get back to writing so if you want information on where I have been read the previous A/N or read the one at the bottom, but it will basically tell you to do the same thing so...lets get to the chapter

Chapter 7 - Regrets Eat Away At Your Heart

Naruto's POV

Why. Why am I so dumb. Why did I say that? 'I can't answer that.' WHY?! I love Hinata with all my heart, why was it so hard to tell her I love her, I say it to her all the time, why was it so difficult when it actually counted. I need to sort this out with her. I jumped off the roof of my house and over to the Hyuga household. I knocked on the door and I was faced with a frantic Hinabi.

"Naruto! Naruto have to seen Hinata," Hinabi spluttered. I visibly paled and without even answering I ran to the Hokage Office.

When I was finally there I kicked open the door and slammed my hands down on Granny's desk. "Did you send Hinata on a mission," I urged. Tsunade shook her head and before she could answer I ran to the gate. I jumped from roof to roof until I got to the front of the gate. I ran up to Izumo and Kotetsu.

"Did you see Hinata in the past 2 days at all," I wanted their reply to be no, that she was probably at the training grounds, or that she dropped by to say hi but their answer made my heart sink.

"Yeah her and the other girls went on a mission," I shook Izumo and yelled...

"No, they didn't! They weren't given a mission! Did they even have a slip, how could you not see it was forged!" Izumo slapped my hand away and grabbed onto my shoulders this time.

"Forged?! What do you mean! It had Tsunade's seal and even the opposing village's approval, I mean actually it would make sense considering what you did to her," Izumo shot back. Naruto's eyes lit up.

"What do you mean, "What I did to her, what do you mean, I didn't even do anything to her" I looked at him confused, but I realised that it wasn't the time for that, "whatever, that's not important right now,  what village did they say they are going to," Naruto exclaimed. Izumo couldn't remember. He rubbed his chin and thought for a while.

"Don't act like you don't know Naruto everyone had already heard what Shion said so no need to pretend, and I can't seem to remember sorry, but I would report this to the Hokage immediately," Izumo said curtly. I groaned in frustration but before I go to Granny I need to talk to Shion.

I ran through the village looking for Shion. What could she have told everyone to make them look at me so negatively? I finally spotted her talking to a group of girls. When she saw me she pulled me over to where she was standing. "Naruto-Kun I was just telling these girls about our beautiful relationship, and how brave you are for leaving that boring tramp for me," Shion cooed. Her tone disgusted me, though that wasn't the issue.

"Shion we have to talk," I said in the most serious voice I could do. Shion obviously took notice of this and turned her attention to me. She gave me an annoyed 'what' look before walking off with me leading the way.

I pulled her into a nearby alley and made sure I was standing tall over her. "What exactly did you tell everyone about the incident 2 days ago, just tell me the exact words you used," I whisper yelled at her. She smirked and traced my jaw with the tip of her pointer finger and I was starting to get annoyed. I grabbed her wrist, successfully stopping her from touching me. Her smirk never dropped, instead, it became wider.

"I told them the truth, you chose me over her, you supported me not her, you said you liked me not her, and when it came to the deciding moment, you didn't have the balls to tell her that you loved her so that meant that I meant that I mean more to you, doesn't it," she snickered. I pushed her away from me and glared at her.

"I love Hinata, that won't ever change, you hear me Shion," I declared before walking away and out of the alley.

I hopped from roof to roof before I arrived at the Hokage's office. I busted through the door and slammed my hands on Granny's desk. I watched as the Sake tumbled over and spilled on the floor but I didn't care. Granny's face was one of annoyance and confusion. "That Sake cost 500 ¥ you brat-" Granny was cut off when I said...

"The girls went rogue!"


So if you read the previous A/N is explained why I wasn't here and not updating, but I'm back and I basically explained my whole plan for this story so you guys should really read that if you're looking for more info. Onto the next chapter that will be updated today so no worries.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2018 ⏰

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