Chapter 1: First Day Of College

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(Picture Of Emily)

Chapter 1: First Day Of College

Emily's POV

I woke up feeling a gush of guilt running through my body.

*Flash Back*
"No dad! I don't want to leave, I want to stay here please!" I screamed, tears running down my face. Dad got red and started punching the wall causing the walls to dent as well as cuts on his knuckles. He scared me by pushing me and shouting in my face "You're coming no matter what!" Fear was taking over my body and I couldn't stop it. My dad dragged me away from my home, my friends and what more my best friend Harry.
*End Of Flash Back*

I got out of my bed wiping my salty tears, not daring to remember what had happened 8 years ago. I made my way towards my suite bathroom, brushing my teeth and taking off my clothes to have a quick shower. After my shower I put on a pink tank top, denim shorts and white converses. I put a white cardigan on top accompanied by lots of bracelets. I put on some basic make up and curled my straight dark brown hair.

I went downstairs as quietly as possible not wanting to wake up dad. I finally reached the bottom stairs and left my bag there. I went towards the kitchen making my self some toast. After eating my buttery, crunchy toast I made my way towards the door. Picking up my bag and my car and house keys from the key hanger.

I turned on my engine and blasted out 5 Seconds Of Summer music. They were my favorite boy band. The car ride took 10 minutes as I didn't live that far.

I turned down the music and parked my Mini Copper in the student parking lot. I took my bag in my hand and made my way out of the car, locking it.

I put my car keys in my bag and was looking every where until I spotted my best friend in front of the college gates. She was wearing a light pink dress that reached above her knees accompanied by gorgeous white flip flops.

Her blonde hair was put in a bun and her fringe coming out. I ran towards her smiling and quickly hugged her she done the same.

I pulled away and said "Hey Chloe," she smiled at me and said happily "Hey Emz."

Me and Chloe start walking towards college. People moving out of the way and boys starring at us with their mouths open.

They stopped and frowned when they saw the 5 boys coming. I start starring at them, my mouth hung open checking them out. They walked towards college, heads hung high not even bothering to look at anyone. Everyone followed them inside.

Everyone went towards the heads office to find out what lessons we had today.

When I got mine and saw what I had a frown appeared on my face. Great. I had English first, one of the lesson I didn't enjoy.

"Chloe what do you have first?" I asked lazily.

She turned to face me with the biggest smile on her face "I have Maths and guess what James is going to be there!" She said excitedly.

James was her boyfriend, they looked so cute together. But it would get me jealous all the time as I never had a boyfriend.

I made my way towards class thinking who would be there. I opened the door quietly and saw Oliver sitting there. Nerd. I made my way towards the back and sat down. Everyone was coming in and sitting down. No one came and sat next to me. That is when I heard a cough trying to gain my attention, I looked up to see lovely pairs of green eyes looking at me.

"Can I sit here?" He said in his raspy voice.

I nodded my head and started to blush because he wanted to sit next to me out off all people. He sat down and I kept looking at the board trying my best not to smile.

"I have seen that girl some where."
I heard someone whisper. I turned my head around to see a set of green eyes and brown eyes looking at me. When they saw I was looking they quickly face the teacher. Ms Williams was doing the register after a couple of names she said my name. I put my hand up and said "here."

At the end of the register I came to find out that the two boys that were looking at me were called Harry and Zayn. I thought to myself where have I seen them curls and green eyes before?

Where have I heard the name Harry?

Then it hit me the same features on his face and the same name belong to my best friend once upon a time.

This was the first chapter. How was it ?I will try and upload soon as possible.

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