Chapter 19

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Cali's P.O.V.

The movie is almost done. Xavier feel asleep about 30 minutes ago. I heard a noise outside the door. Me being me decided to go check it out.

"Hello?" I asked tentatively. No one responded but I still felt drawn to the windows. I opened the window and let the fresh air. I closed my eyes and smiled. The fresh air felt amazing against my face. I felt a hand cover my mouth. And a voice spoke out of my vision

"Scream and he dies"

"Let me go" I whimpered softly

"Nope" a cloth covered my mouth and I realized to late I should hold my breath. Blackness pursued.


"Is she ok?" A muffled voice said.

"Yes sir" the person holding me said

"When will she wake?" The other man said and I recognized Jack's voice.

"In the next 10" my kidnapper said

"Ok thank you please set her down on the couch." Jack said. He sounded tired. The other man left the room.

"Why am I here?" I asked without opening my eyes

"You are here because I need to tell you something very important." Jack said and he sounded nervous. I opened my eyes and saw that he had shadows under his eyes, bags and he looked like he was close to death.

"What is it?" I asked

"I know you might not believe me, hell I wouldn't believe me if I heard this. I need you to hear me out" Jack said looking at me and I nodded "I am your brother"

"What?! No I only have one brother and that's Daniel" I said confused "and you're like 10 years older then I am"

"No let me explain farther. You're right I am a lot older then you, I was exiled because I had learned of my past and of the experiments they did-"

"Who did?" I interrupted

"Alpha and dad. They wanted to mix demon blood into some of the babies. Now here is the interesting thing I though I could stop it but I didn't know it was already done."

"What do you mean already done?"

"Me. They mixed it into my blood. I was afraid that the babies would be able to withstand the process so I decided to bring it up. I went to dad. He's the Beta so he should know. But I didn't find help I found my traitorous father planning to have more kids and inject one of them with it. They said they were doing the right thing but they knew what it could do."jack said and I knew my mouth was probably open.

"You're serious?" I managed to whisper. Jack nodded and I realized Xavier was probably trying to talk to me.

"I need to talk t-" I started

"No" Jack said "you can't tell anyone"

"No my mate is probably trying to contact me. I don't even know where I am. I need to talk to him please." I say


"Before I do how long have I been.."

"3 days" Jack said and alarm bells went off in my head.

"Ok I am going to mind link him now." I said

'Xavier?' I asked carefully

'Cali where the hell are you?'

'I don't know' I said

'Well I have some news that I will deliver to the pack when you find your way back' I realized Xavier thought I had ran away

'I don't know when I am coming back. It's not up to me it's up to whoever has me' I snapped. How dare he!

'So you didn't run away' Xavier asked carefully

'No I most certainly did not' I was getting angry

'I was hoping you had. Then I could kick you out' Xavier said and I felt a sharp pain go though my chest

'You, you, you didn't want me?' I whispered

'Oh I want you. I just can't have the pack always trying to find you. It's for the best' Xavier said. I decided to black him and talk to Daniel maybe he would care. 'Cali? Are you there?' Was the last thing I heard from Xavier.

'Daniel are there?' I asked

'Ya were are you. Dad was going crazy and I was trying to not hurt Xavier for letting you go' I whimpered at the mention of Xavier.

'I don't know where I am and I didn't run away' I cried

'Xavier asked if you ran away didn't he'

'Ya' I said quietly 'he doesn't trust me. He was or maybe is going to banish me from the pack'

'HE WHAT!' Daniel screamed through the mind link 'that is it. He may be my future Alpha but wait till his dad finds out. Do you know when you will be home?'

'No' I cried

'Who captured you?'

'No idea but I know Jack was involved'

'Oh my god we need to get you out of the now' Daniel said

'Ya I would agree but you have no idea where in the world I am.' I pointed out


'Ow I have to go before I get caught bye' I said and blocked him.

"I am back" I said

"Ya I can tell"

"Why do you look so sick?" I asked suddenly

"The poison is killing me"

"What poison?"

"I was fed poison a few weeks ago"

"So you're going to die?" I asked suddenly sad

"Ya but I will be able to communicate with you. I am going to let you go but before I do I need to know if you will think about embracing your demon side."

"I didn't think I had a choice'"

"You do. You can embrace it and use the powers it grants you or you can reject it and it will slowly go away. If you accept it them you might loose your Mate and your wolf. However there is a extremely small chance of that happening. I accepted it and my wolf is still with me"

"What about your mate?" I asked curious

"I haven't found her. I don't want to. With the life style I lead it would only hurt her to be with me." I saw a sadness in Jack's eyes.

"Can I go home now? I need to sort things out with my mate"

"Ya but I can't let you see where I am" Jack said and a cloth was immediately placed over my mouth. Back into the world of darkness.


Hey here is chapter 19. I am sorry this is a bit later then normal. School is almost out. 1 more week! Then since I am not going to camp I can update more often!!!

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