How He Plays With The Children (Pref #3)

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If anyone wants to request, dm me and I'll write it out for you. I may change some names of the children just to switch it up a little.

Btw, if you didn't know, I'm British so I'll probably type mum or mummy by accident and not realise so I'm sorry.


After dinner, I allow Patrick and our son to go and build a fort in Declan's room. Both of them run up the stairs happily and I smile as I clear away the dishes.

Declan rushes downstairs to tell me not to come up for a while and, with a slight look of confusion, I take my seat on the couch and flick to an episode of Friends.

"Mummy," Declan shrieks excitedly, rushing downstairs once more, "Daddy and I have built an awesome fort, you have to come look at it!"

With a grin, I allow Declan to drag me to his room where I find Patrick adjusting the blankets around a makeshift fort.

"Ah King Declan, I see you have rescued my princess from the evil dragon and for that, I will be forever indebted to you." Patrick says in a sophisticated voice.

"I don't know what that means but ok." Declan giggles, taking his place on a throne of pillows.

With a warm smile, I take a seat next to my husband and watch as our son places a plastic crown on his head.

"You made a pretty good fort." I compliment.

"I'd like to elaborate on that," Patrick smiles, "Declan and I plan on making an entire kingdom."

"Really?" I say, amused at my husbands childish nature.

"Yea, we might need more pillows and blankets though." Patrick says.

"Mummy, Daddy, you have to kiss now that I saved you. I don't want to watch though." Declan says.

Patrick and I laugh at our son before exchanging a sweet, heartwarming kiss.

"Gross, don't do that again." Declan orders.

"Ok buddy." Patrick laughs.


"Pete what are you doing?" I question.

My boyfriend turns around with both our children slung over his shoulders, smiling, "I'm playing."

"What're you gonna do if you drop one of them?" I ask.

"Cry." He says simply.

I sigh and roll my eyes at him before chuckling.

"Mummy, Daddy won't let me watch Spongebob." Our daughter, Adela, complains from her dads shoulder.

"No! Me and dad want to watch Star Wars." Dylan, our son, groans from the other shoulder.

"Pete, seriously?" I laugh.

"I couldn't remember who watched tv last night and so they argued about it so now they're having upside down timeout." He explains.

"Fine," I smile, "Pete and Dylan may watch Star Wars down here but Adela, you can come in my room and watch spongebob."

"What? That's not fair!" Dylan complains.

"I'm going with Mummy." Adela sings merrily.

"Well if you can't compromise then that's what'll happen." I say folding my arms at the upside down children.

"But Adela screamed at Dad so she shouldn't get to go with you." Dylan says, pointing at his younger sister.

"You hit him with a DVD!" Adela yells.

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