Enemies (Andy Oneshot #3)

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I tried to find pictures where Andy looked really tough and I literally just kept finding pics of him dressed as a princess smh

You hate Andy with a passion.

There is no one in this world that annoys you, angers you or frustrates you as much as Andy Hurley.

It started when you were 10. He used to tease you because you wore pants instead of skirts and he'd call you a boy. As you grew older, Andy continued to tease you and it really annoyed you.

However, you are now counting down the days until graduation. Only 10 more days of Andy's teasing before you're free from his consistent bullying.

Despite all of this, Andy does like you. He thinks you're spirited, willing to speak your mind whilst also reserved, mysterious and polite.

"Y/N, which college are you going to?" Andy asks you.

"Why would you care douche?" You reply.

Andy is taken aback, "Woah, chill. I was just asking a question."

"Yes and with no doubt would endless amounts of teasing follow knowing you." You sigh.

"Why do you hate me so much?" He asks.

You scoff and laugh, "You're so dim-witted Hurley, I'll be surprised if you make any college! Since we were ten you have teased me and wound me up to the point of me considering moving school! You're obnoxious and egotistical and I class you as my number one enemy, jerk."

As you leave him, he sighs to himself and stands with wide eyes, 'I didn't know she took it personally.' He tells himself.

He leaves to go and find Joe, his best friend.

"Joe, have I ever been too harsh on y/n?" He asks.

"Mate you have no idea! For years you've teased her and some of the stuff you've said must've been really hurtful but she stuck up for herself. Have you finally come to your senses?" Joe laughs.

"Why didn't you stop me?" Andy asks, appalled.

"Why did you tease her in the first place?" Joe retaliates.

"Ah shit, I've gotta go find her and apologise. See you."

"Bye Andy."

Andy runs through the halls desperately and comes to a halt when he sees a flicker of your unmistakably {crazy hair colour} hair as you rush into the girls bathroom.

Damn, I'll have to wait till she comes out.

So he waits. Andy sits on the ground outside the bathroom and waits for you to leave. However, you stay in there for over 15 minutes which concerns Andy.

"Y/N?" He calls.

He hears a faint gasp from inside and sighs.

"Y/N, I want to talk."

"Andrew why don't you take a hint and fucking leave?" You snap (a/n, this reminded me of Patrick saying 'why are you still here? Fucking leave!' At the guy who spilt his drink on him)

"Y/N, listen to me please, I'm sorry," Andy starts.

"Sorry! Sorry? You have teased me for eight damn years and all you can say is sorry? Fuck you." You sniffle.

"Wait, are you crying?" He asks softly.

"No." You reply stubbornly.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry y/n. Jesus." Andy stands up from off the floor and gingerly makes his way into the girls bathroom.

He finds you sat on the counter where the sinks are with tissue in your hand and tears running down your face.

At that moment, Andy stares at you and realises just what he has done.

"I know you will never be able to forgive me y/n but hear me out yeah? I liked you for a long time and thought I could tease you lightly so you could learn my humour. I guess I got a bit carried away and most of the time it wasn't really funny." He admits.

"Most of the time? Andy, making me cry as a 12 year old by calling my a boy for cutting my hair was just cruel. You have an evil mind and a heart of stone." You growl.

"You remember that?" He asks sheepishly.

"Of course I do! I remember every little thing you've ever done to me now please get out and leave me the hell alone." You reply.

Andy goes to say something else but stops himself, "If you ever want to finish this conversation and sort the tension between us, feel free to do so. Again y/n, I'm sorry."

And with that, Andy walks out of the bathroom.

Sorry this was so short and rushed!


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