Wolf AU (Pete Oneshot #4)

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I was watching twilight and thought of this lmao

You sit on his doorstep, the moon lightly dusts the ground with an eerie white glow as you await his return.

He doesn't know you and you don't know him, the man just appears intriguing.

After a deranged scientist botched his experiment on you, you have been frozen in this bizarre wolf form.

The wind tickles your thick grey fur and your small ears twitch at the sound of footsteps.

You retreat into the bushes beside the man's house, your e/c eyes glowing in the dark.

As the man walks by you, you allow a small growl to slip out and he turns, startled.

"Who's there?" He calls.

Carefully, you watch him from the hedges as he gulps and rapidly opens his door.

Once inside, he locks himself in and you crawl back to his doorstep.

Acting as though you're his bodyguard, you let low grumbles escape your lips everytime an animal like a rabbit or hare passes by, attempting to 'protect him'.

Eventually, you drift into a dreamless sleep on the cold ground in front of his door.


You bolt awake when a high pitched scream sounds directly behind you. You howl in shock and race forwards slightly, away from the man's house.

When you turn, you see the man clutching the door frame and panting wildly.

"There's a wolf on my doorstep... what the fuck!" He yells.

His angered tone makes you cower into your own fur slightly before you tentatively make your way over to him.

"Don't come near me." The man shouts, trying to slam his door.

You cry on his doorstep and lay down on your stomach, staring at him.

His big brown eyes soften and he sighs at you.

Carefully, he sits on a step and gently reaches his hand out to pat you.

You purr into his touch, stretching out as he strokes your back.

"You're a gorgeous wolf." He says and you nuzzle into his side.

You feel him freeze at your close proximity but you just relax beside him.

He rubs your head slightly and you smile as best as a wolf can.

"Do you like belly rubs?" He asks.

Your ears twitch as you decipher his words and then, you leap up and roll onto your back, curling your paws up.

You wag your tail playfully; like a dog, before the brown eyed man tickles your tummy.

As this occurs, you take in your surroundings. The man lives on the outskirts of the woods, away from society. He has a pleasant little house despite it being alone and his garden is well maintained.

The man frequently has sick and injured animals from the woods in his garden and, when they leave, he's made them all better.

However, a wicked wind decides to settle on you and you quickly scurry to your feet, mindful on the man, and bare your teeth.

Something's wrong.

You howl multiple times, praying to warn off any intruder and the man looks at you questioningly.

Suddenly, a hunter sneaks out of the woods and you slowly fall back from him.

He spots you and raises his gun to you.

"Hey wait, no-"

A heavy banging echoes through the lonely land and a whimper escapes your lips.

You feel a burning sensation in your ribs as you fall to the ground. It scrambles through your body as you wriggle in agony.

"Hey, it's ok, I'll make you better." The guy says but, when he goes to lift you, you cry and start howling in pure distress.

"Stay here." He orders before running off.

You twitch your ears as you try to hear every last sound possible as your fear you'll never hear them again.

Your eyes blur and you close them as you roll to your side.

Despite the sounds of nature being deafeningly loud, your heart beat rings louder through your ears as you await your impending fate.

Soon enough, a warm hand rests on your side and you feel it go quick to work.

First, a shot of some pain relief remedie. Secondly, he removes the bullet. Finally, he stitches you up and wipes all the blood off of your stomach.

However, once this happens, you feel- odd.

Really odd.

For some reason, you start feeling smaller, your vision changes and, when you go to twitch your ears, they are no longer there.

You begin to whimper but it comes out as a forced cry. You feel tears on your face.

As you go to bare your teeth you realise, they aren't there.

"Holy shit, you're a... human." The man exclaims.

For the first time, you understand him without translating in your head.

"Human." You mutter, looking at your hands in front of you.

Thankfully, the clothes from the day of your experiment are still firmly attached to your body and you sigh.

"I'm Pete." The man smiles.

"Y/N." You reply.

"Are you ok?" He asks.

You lift your shirt slightly and see a massive, bloody line stretching from your lower ribs to the base of your stomach.

If only that shrunk too.

"It's... intense." You say and he nods.

"Let's take you inside." He says.

You go to stand up but the short man lifts you into his arms and effortlessly carries you to his house.

As you enter, you smile, it's just like how you'd imagined it to be.

"You must be starving." Pete says and you become aware of the pit of hunger inside you.

"I am." You say.

"I'll make us some food, do you have anywhere to live?" He asks.

You shake your head; "No, I've lived in the woods for the past 6 months and before that, I lived with a crazy, basket case of a scientist who is probably in prison now."

"You can stay here for as long as you need to." Pete says kindly.

"Thankyou, I appreciate that." You say as you look through a window.

Your wolf blood stains the tiles on the oath and you stare as the dark black blood runs in crazed patterns on the ground.

"Don't worry, I'll clean that." Pete pipes up, noticing your stares.

You nod and look down at your lap.

Would you look at that shitty ending?


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