Birthday (Pref #8)

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I've sprained my ankle 😂😂


You've never liked birthdays. Who would? You're celebrating getting old and nearing the inevitably of death.

However, you can't stay depressed forever because you have the cutest, sweetest and happiest boyfriend ever.

"Please! Tell me what you want. I want to spoil you." Patrick says, lying on your lap and looking into your eyes.

You giggle at the site of Patrick being immature and intertwine your fingers with his.

"You know I hate birthdays." You reply.

"Well I don't and I want to treat you." He says indignantly.

"Just sing for me." You tell him.

"But that's not special enough for you." He responds.

"Patrick, each time I hear you sing you make me feel like the luckiest woman in the world, I promise." You reply.

"But-" He stops when he sees you glaring.

"Fine, which song?" He sighs.

You smile brightly and think of all the songs you know.

"Surprise me." You say eventually.

He rolls his eyes before thinking himself. He quickly thinks of a song and begins singing it.

You gasp. Your favourite song! You can't believe he remembered and you smile as his voice serenades you.

At the end of the song, you place a delicate kiss on his cheek and he blushes.

"Happy Birthday." He mumbles, still lay across your lap.


"Fuck you!" You spit, running from your family house.

You fumble in your pocket for your phone and shakily dial a number.

"Hey birthday girl." Your best friend, Pete, exclaims.

"Hi." You mutter angrily.

"Hey what's up? You just turned 18, why so angry?" He asks.

"I wanna move." You sigh.

"What?" He responds.

"I want to leave. Just like you." You mumble.

"What's going on y/n?" He questions, his voice soft and calming.

"They are still treating me like shit. I'm old enough to leave Pete, I want to move out." You say.

Pete is only two years older than you but he moved out of his family home three years ago. He originally moved to New Jersey but moved back after summer.

"Listen, it may seem easy in your head but living alone is awful. Come to my place and we can celebrate your birthday then figure this out." Pete says.

"Then open your door." You say, looking at Pete's averagely sized house.

You hear him fly down the stairs and fling the door open. He stands there in oversized shorts and a bare chest.

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