Hat (Patrick Oneshot #5)

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Why have I never seen this pure but borderline menacing photo before?

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Why have I never seen this pure but borderline menacing photo before?

You wandered hurriedly through the corridors of your college. Despite it being college, the students there are more immature than most high schoolers which makes you sigh.

For many years you have always been a target since you were different. People laughed at you when you cut your hair short way back in 8th grade and continued to tease you up until this moment where you are in your final year of college as a 20 year old, hoping to get the right qualifications to get you into university.

Most of the people have grown up now and the teasing, truthfully, has lessened but today is a bad day.

You are missing your boyfriend, Patrick, greatly whilst he is on tour with his band Fall Out Boy and, for a reminder that he's always with you, you wear his favourite fedora which he gave to you before tour started.

However, the childish pupils here find it beyond hilarious to see you in a hat (specifically a fedora as they are 'oh so out of fashion') so follow you as you try to get to the lecture hall.

"Yo y/n," A guy calls.

You never cared to learn his name so when you see him in front of you, you smile falsely and ask him to move.

"Why are you dressed like a 2005 punk rock chick?" He sneers.

"Why do you dress like that? Not even desperate girls would suck your dick." You reply before trying to push past him.

"Hey, I don't straighten my fringe everyday." He shrugs.

"Well I quite clearly haven't today have I?" You question as you grab your curled hair in your hand.

"I meant generally sugarcup." He laughs and with that he snatches the fedora from off of your head.

"Hey, give it back." You ask, a worried look upon my face.

"What? Did Mr. Rockstar boyfriend give this to you? Baby his band is lame." He teases, places the fedora on his own product-filled hair.

"Don't talk shit about Patrick or the guys," you threaten, "Say and do what you want to me but don't ever bring my friends into it."

"Or what? Will Patrick shove his guitar up my ass?" He laughs to himself.

"How about I show you what will happen." You say before delivering a strong punch into the guys gut.

As he doubles over, you snatch Patrick's fedora back and decide to skip lecture hall. You run quickly back to your solo dorm and pull out your iPad. After sending a quick message to Patrick asking if he could FaceTime you take a deep breath.

Andy was the one who taught you to defend yourself when you were back in high school. You were beaten up one day so Andy taught you how to fend for yourself.

Once the option for Patrick's FaceTime call comes through, you accept it and see him sitting on the bus with a smile on his face.

He laughs when he sees the fedora, "You're wearing it?"

"It reminds me of you," You admit with a slight smile.

"Is everything ok?" He asks.

"I just, uh, punched a guy in the hall." You say with a nervous laugh.

"What? Why?" He asks shocked.

"He was teasing me and he took the hat so I fought for it back." You say.

"That's my girl!" You hear Pete say in the background.

You laugh slightly and look at Patrick, "I can't believe people still tease you!"

"Well," you sigh, " He called me but then he started calling you and the guys so I remembered what Andy taught me and I winded him."

"Y/N," Patrick sighs, "You do know that me and the guys don't care what other people day about us, right?"

"I know but I do care. I love you all so much and to hear people talking shit about you makes me mad." You admit.

"Your too cute." Patrick laughs.

"Hush," you laugh.

You take a look at my calendar and smile, "It's only two days till your in town."

"I know, I'm sorry I couldn't get time off to come to you." Patrick says with a sad smile on his face.

"It's okay because our good friend Mr Joseph Trohman may have sent me a ticket to your concert. I'm gonna be there Tricky." You smile happily.

"Wait! No way? Really! Oh my gosh I love Joe."

"Your welcome buddy!" Joe yells.

"And even better," you continue, "I was talking with Elliott (FOB's photographer) and he's gonna come find me at the end of the concert and bring me to you."

The look on Patrick's face as it drops in shock is priceless and you smile at him and his adorableness.

"S-so I'm gonna see you?" He asks.

"Yes, I'll be right there with you." You assure him.

"I love my friends." Patrick mumbles as you laugh.

2 days later

You manage to get to the front of the pit, directly in front of where Patrick stands and you excitedly wait for the guys to appear on stage.

After the opening act, it takes Fall Out Boy less than 10 minutes to appear and you cheer loudly for them.

First you see Andy, then Pete and Joe, followed by Patrick last.

The second Patrick sees you he waves down and you smile and wave back. The people around you all scream and start to dance as Fall Out Boy begin to play.

At the end of the concert, as promised, Elliott comes to get you and he takes you backstage where you see the guys. You haven't seen them in person for two months so the second Pete yells your name, they all turn and run at you.

Patrick embraces you in a hug and presses a kiss to your lips.

"Fuck I've missed you." You say against his lips.

"Trust me, I've missed you too." He says, kissing you again.

Patrick lets all the other guys hug you before he comes to your side and frowns, "What?"

He smiles again and places his fedora on your head, "You really need to wear them more often because you look irresistibly attractive like that."

"Aren't I always irresistible?" I ask, mock shocked.

"Yes," He mutters, "Yes you are and I love you so much."

"I love you too Trick." I reply before taking his hand and resting my head against his shoulder.

This took forever to be updated and I apologise greatly! I hope you enjoy it.


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