I Don't Deserve You (Pref #4)

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I'm going ice skating today which I'm super happy about, I love skating.


"Y/N," Patrick mumbles sleepily.

"What's up?" You ask, holding his drooping body.

"Why out of everyone in the world did you pick me to marry?" He asks.

"What?" You question.

"Like, you could've gotten someone so much better, someone who's always home, yet you picked me, why?" He asks.

"Because I love you and only you no matter where you are in the world because I still love you and I'm incredibly proud of you." You say.

"It's just, there are people out there that are fitter, hotter and just generally better than me. Why didn't you pick them?" He asks.

"They aren't you." You reply.

"I don't deserve you." He sighs, huddling closer into my embrace.

"I love you Patrick," You whisper to the tired man, "And only you."


Pete's been in a bad mood since this morning. He has episodes occasionally which wipe him out all day. He gets upset and angry easily and its best to keep out of his way.

He's been in your bed all day, forcing himself to be a recluse. You took him some food and drink at lunch which he gladly accepted. He had tear stains cheeks and red, puffy eyes and you couldn't help but sympathise for him.

After dinner, you hear him muttering to himself. He is telling himself about every flaw on his body.

"I don't know what she sees in me," He told himself.

"Pete?" You ask softly from behind the door.

"I'm sorry." He replies quickly.

"Pete, can I come in?" You ask.

"Ye." He responds.

With slow movements, you enter the room as sit with him on the floor.

"Tell me what's wrong." You coax gently.

The tears in his eyes continue to trickle down his face, one after the other, in a never ending loop.

"You're too special for me and I don't deserve you at all." He says.

"Pete, you deserve everything you have. Don't beat yourself up." You soothe, holding his sad frame in your arms.

"I just wish I wasn't me." He sighs.

"Well I'm glad your are you." You reply, kissing his forehead.


"Hey y/n, I want to do something for you but I don't know what." Andy says.

"Why do you want to do something?" You ask.

"Because you've done so much for me, I want to pay you back." He shrugs.

"Babe, you don't have to do that," You laugh, "You just being here is enough."

"But you changed for me and I really appreciate that, I want to do something special with you baby." He says.

"I haven't changed Andy." You say.

"Y/N, you went vegan, joined the gym with me and are straightedge. You weren't before." Andy says.

"OK, so maybe I changed a little bit but I prefer being like this anyway. Besides, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have done any of those things and I wouldn't be the happier person I am now so technically, I only have you to thank." You explain.

"I can't believe I got lucky enough to get you. You literally are the most understanding and beautiful person I know." Andy says, wrapping his arms around your waist tightly.

With a large smile you reply with, "I love you Andy."

"I love you too." He replies before pressing a firm kiss to my cheek.


"Stupid fucking children!" Joe yells as he hangs his head in anger.

"Babe, you couldn't have stopped them." You comfort.

"But I could've y/n, I was there. The bastards just pushed her over whilst I was fucking watching." He cries.

"You didn't know what to do Joe, she'll be fine, I promise you." You tell him.

"Marie is going to kill me." He mutters as he thinks about his daughter who sleeps with a bandage around her arm.

"Hey, it doesn't matter OK? Ruby's fine and that's all that matters. Its just her wrist, nothing too serious." You try to reassure.

"I swear if I see any of those kids again." Joe stresses.

Whilst picking Ruby up from kindergarten, Joe witnessed some girls picking on her and, before he could stop them, they pushed her to the ground where she fractured her wrist.

"Joey, its fine," You insist, "Calm down baby."

"What did I do to get you?" He asks as he presses his lips on yours.

"You used shitty pickup lines for two weeks straight." You respond.

"We don't talk about that." He mutters as you smirk.

"Daddy?" Ruby asks.

Quickly, Joe pulls his lips away from yours and smiles at his daughter who had awoken from her slumber.

"Hey princess, how are you?" Joe asks.

"I'm good. Why were you kissing y/n?" She asks.

Ruby is yet to understand that you are her stepmother and doesn't realise that her parents aren't together.

"Um, she was sad because you hurt your hand." Joe lies.

"Oh. My hands OK now, see." She says, pointing to her bandage.

"I know." You laugh.

"I love you." Joe tells me.

"I love you too." You reply.

Well, this sucked ass


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