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10 years later

Luke's Pov

"Sarah stop licking your brother"I say as I buzz around the kitchen hurrying to get dinner done. It was Christmas eve and everyone was coming to Michael and I's house for dinner. By everyone I meant Ashton, Calum and their kids Fred and George, My mum and her new husband Randy, Michael's mum and my idiot brothers and their wives and children.

Michael and I and our children Sarah and Thomas would of course be their as well. Sarah and Thomas were related by blood and we adopted them three years ago when Sarah was two and Thomas was only one. 

My mum left my dad after he hit me once I had come out. She then married Randy a few months later. My father was facing jail time but he was never my real family so I couldn't care less. My mum on the other hand stayed a part of my life because she accepted me.

"Luke babe where is my blue tie?"Michael asks coming down the stairs in his boxers and a white button up.

"Check the closet dear"

"K thanks"

"Mhm"I say turning my attention back to the ham that was fresh out of the oven. Thomas comes in and latched to my leg.

"Daddy come play?"

"Sorry sweetie not right now I'm cooking" He begins screaming and crying. I begin slicing the ham and putting it on a serving plate as it was the only thing left to be put onto the dining room table. Just as I was cutting the last piece the doorbell rang startling me and I nicked my thumb. I quickly cover it with a napkin as Thomas couldn't stand the sight of blood.

I don't even try to get him off my leg but instead go to the door. I open it and see Ashton and Calum's family.

"Uncle Cally"Thomas squeals and detaches from my leg and leaps into Calum's arms.

"Tommy"Calum says with just as much enthusiasm.

"Hey Luke" Ashton says hugging me. As we pull apart he notices my thumb.

"You alright?"

"Yeah just an incident in the kitchen"

"Be careful next time lets go clean that" He says taking the napkin off. Without hesitation Thomas begins screaming.

"He hates blood" I mumble covering my thumb again and taking him from Calum and begin rocking Thomas to get him to calm down.

"Luke I still can't find my tie!"

"Luke you need to get your thumb attended to!"

"Daddy I don't like blood!"

"Uncle Luke guess what happened in kindergarten the other day!"

"Daddy give me attention!"

I was getting overwhelmed and my breathing began picking up.

"Luke are you okay?You look pale"Calum asks.

"In-inhaler"I say giving Thomas to Michael who had come over once he noticed the crowd.

Calum eyes widen and he begins looking for it.

"Where is it?"

"Living r-room"I say with a sharp intake of breath.

"Okay,okay"He says going to find it. Michael comes over to me and grabs my face in his hand.

"What's wrong?"

"A-allergies and I'm o-overwhelmed"I struggle out. For some reason the winter air always gave me bad allergies but then again so did every other season.

"Okay you gotta calm down, k Lukey?"He asks.

"M-mhm"I nod. Calum rushes over to me with my inhaler and I shakily take a puff. I wait a few seconds before taking another. I close my eyes and slide down the wall focusing on a normal breathing pattern. I have my breathing under control after a few minutes.

"Sorry" I say to the anxious group standing over me.

"It's not your fault, now lets go get you cleaned up"Michael says picking me up.

"I can walk you know"I say giggling.

"Yeah but I love carrying you and you love it when I carry you, don't deny it"He says.

"That is very true"I say. 

He takes me into our bathroom and sits me on the counter while getting the first aid kit. He takes off my apron before stepping in between my legs and attending to my thumb.

"You cut it good Lukey"He mumbles inspecting my thumb.

"Listen take the night easy and if you need a breather don't hesitate to take one alright?"he says after he was done bandaging my thumb.

"Alright"I say before kissing him. We begin making out loosing track of time.

"Called it Ben you owe me twenty bucks"Jack says making us jump apart. "Knew you guys were making out"

"Shut-up and leave" I groan.

"No you have hungry guests come feed them"Ben says after handing Jack twenty bucks.

"Adulting is hard"I say but nonetheless slide off the counter and following them downstairs.

The rest of the night was full of laughter and catching up. As I looked around the room seeing the kids playing and everyone else laughing and enjoying themselves I realize my dad wasn't completely useless. He forced me to go to that stupid church camp but that stupid church camp is where I met my husband until death do us part.


it's over *wipes tear*

did you love it?

are you sad it's gone?

have i already asked these questions? probably 



goodbye but don't worry i'll self promo my other stories later here so look out for that ;)

qotu: favorite part?

aotu: probably the ferris wheel

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