Chapter 12

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Luke's Pov

I wake up in bed alone as expected but I never heard the alarm for Mikey to leave. I sit up and rub my eyes.

"I put in on low so you wouldn't wake up and only I would"Michael whispers in my ear as if he had read my mind. 

I blush"Thanks Mikey" I give him a quick peck on the cheek.

"What the actual-"Abby begins.

"Hey don't swear!"Ashton says half asleep from his bunk.

"I do what I want, I'm punk rock"Michael says joining the conversation.

"No your not"Calum says.

"Shut-up"Michael says. (A/N ICONIC MOMENT)

"Yeah okay, anyways why are you guys awake it's 6:30 in the morning?"Abby asks while I sneakily get my clothes for the day.

"Camp rules"I say before running to the shower and locking the bathroom door before one of the boys could stop me.

"Luke"The boys all groan and I let out an evil cackle before starting the shower.

"What?"Abby asks confused and I hear the boys explain how I take forever in the shower. I let out another laugh before getting in the shower.


I walk out of the bathroom using my towel as a shield. I peer over the top and see the coast is clear so I throw the towel in the growing pile of dirty clothes and towels.

"My God Luke it took you like five hours"Abby says.

"Don't use God's name in vain!"A counselor says popping out of nowhere."Anyways I just came by to say that today is a free day"

"So I can go back to bed?"Abby asks.

"If you want"

"Night losers"She says before turning away from us and putting in headphones.

"I want a cookie"I say going and sitting beside Michael.

"A seven in the morning?"He questions with a chuckle.

"Yep"I say causing him to chuckle more.

"Anyone else hungry?"He asks before noticing that everyone else was asleep.

"Well then its just us"He says taking my hand and leading me to the door letting go as he opens the door just to be safe.

"What was that song you were humming last night it was beautiful?"I ask as we walk to the mess hall.

"Oh"he blushes"Just something I've been working on called Gotta Get Out"

"You write songs?"I ask.

"Yeah but they aren't that good"he says looking down.

"Liar, Gotta Get Out is a really good song"I say.

"You haven't even heard the words"He points out chuckling.

"I don't need to, to know it's amazayn"I say firmly.

"Okay"He says probably just to end the conversation but I still wear a pleased smirk on my face because I had won.

"Mikey there aren't any cookies"I say pouting after walking through the line at the mess hall and seeing the lack off cookies.

"Awe I'm sorry Lukey they'll probably bring them out at lunch"He says grabbing a small box of cereal.

"Want one?"He asks.

"No I want a cookie"I say crossing my arms with a pout still dominating my features.

"You are a child"He says rolling his eyes before grabbing a box for me as well. I huff but follow him to our table nonetheless.

"So what do you want to do on our day off?"He asks pouring the milk into his cereal.

"Idk maybe just walk around the woods"I say because despite having gone to this camp a large portion of my life I never went too far into the woods because they looked scary but I knew Michael would protect me plus it was my last time visiting this camp and I was curious.

"Sure"He says and we finish our breakfast before going back to the cabin to get the others. Ashton and Calum were cuddling while Abby was still sleeping.

"GET UP WE ARE GOING OVER THE RIVER AND THROUGH THE WOODS TO GRANDMA'S HOUSE FUC-"Michael yells but I cover his mouth before he could curse.

"Exercise? No thank you" Abby says turning away from us. Michael goes and rips her blankets off.


"C'mon it'll be fun"He says before going over and taking the blankets Calum and Ashton were sharing from them.

"We're leaving in five hurry up"Michael says before dragging me outside to wait.


Five minutes turn into fifty because Abby had to take a shower and quote "Put on my eyebrows"end quote. 

"Are you ready to go my queen?"Michael asks giving a sarcastic bow to Abby.

"Yeah"She says rolling her eyes and spraying herself head to toe in bug spray."Let's go peasants"

"Excuse me Luke is a princess"Michael says causing me to blush.

"And Michael is a prince we are indeed, not peasants"I say in a posh voice.

"No you are both peasants"she says.

"Agreed"Ashton says.

"Who gave you permission to speak peasant?"She asks him.

"No one I'm dreadfully sorry"he says stammering fakely. We all burst out into laughter at how dumb we were being and have to stop walking to catch our breath.

"Okie dokie"She says once we had calmed down.

"I like her she says okie dokie"Calum says.

"Did you just quote Supernatural?" she asks gasping and holding her hand over her heart. "New best friend!"

Something tells me Abby will soon be my best friend too.


no need to hate on Abby : )) she is just the friend of the guys nothing more.

this would have been up sooner but I got distracted on youtube...oops

also i don't swear so that's why it always gets cut off i promise i'm not five i'm just really innocent according to my friends.

also the thing with the cookie thing was just me expressing my hunger through Luke lol

qotu: do you want a cookie?

aotu: yes, i have some : ))))

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