The Jinx

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He was pacing back and forth in the dingy motel room. Every so often he'd glance out of the window, or check his phone. He was suppose to just be holding the damn thing for a few days, until someone by the name of Ryker came to pick it up, but he's had the damn thing for a week, sure he was told explicitly to not touch it with his bare hands and ever since then everything has gone to shit.

Fifty percent just wasn't worth it, he has to get rid of this damn coin.

After a week of trying, and failing to hunt down Luca, the guys decided to get together for a much needed jam session at their now insect, and rodent free studio.

Pete dramatically inhaled through his nose once inside.

"Do you smell that?" No one answered, they just rolled their eye's, "that my friends, is the sweet smell of an awesome record about to be recorded." Pete said excitedly.

Patrick just flicked him in the back of his head, "grab your bass, and get to work." He said, and Pete did.

They made it through half the album, before taking a break.

It was then that Joe realizes he was out of cigarettes.

He patted the pockets of his jeans, and his leather jacket, but they weren't there, he sighs.

"Guys, I'm outta smokes, I'm gonna walk over the the gas station, you guys need anything?" Joe asked, the others nodded, barley acknowledging him, as they continued doing what they were doing.

With a shrug, Joe went on his solo mission to the shell station.

As Joe was walking his mind wandered to this bizzare week. What are the odds that they would encounter two ghosts, and a nest of vampires, in one week, it was strange.

Joe was to busy thinking that, he didn't notice the man walking his way, until they collided.

"Sorry dude." Joe apologises.

The man, gives him a strange look before smiling, "No harm done, you have a good day." He said walking off like nothing happened.

Joe thought the guy was weird, but shrugged it off and finally made it to the store. Grabbing an energy drink, before going up to the register to get his cigerettes.

(Idk what joe smokes so im making him smoke what I use to smoke) "Malbro lights please." Joe told the clerk.

He grabbed the pack and set it next to Joe's redbull.

"Six ninty-nine." The young man said boredly.

Joe went to pull out his wallet and realized it wasn't there.

"What the?" He checked all of his pockets twice "I'm sorry I must've dropped it." He said, or that guy stole it.

"Sucks to be you dude." The kid said.

Joe left empty handed. Going to try and find this guy, he got distracted by a group of people, and ambulances, he went to get a closer look, and realised that the guy who probably stole his wallet has been hit by a car, and was now dead.

Talk about karma.

Joe flagged a policeman over.

"He did happen to have a leather wallet, with my id in did he?" Joe asked, the cop shook his head. "Okay." He said heading back to the studio.

As he was walking, and thinking about his missing wallet, and his encounter with roadkill guy, he didn't notice the large crack in the sidewalk and Tripped, falling hard enough to rip his pants at the knee, and scraping it.

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