Chapter Five

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(Filler chapter sorry)

"Come on, they are going to run out!" The girl with the aqua blue hair said pulling her friend along with her.

"I don't see what the big deal is." The dark haired teen said.

"It's Fall Out Boy!" Blue exclaimed, "it's only the greatest band alive, and they start tour in a month, I am getting these tickets!" She said, and dark haired rolled her eyes, but fallowed her friend.

They were standing in line and the sun was beging to set. 

"Olivia I need to get home, my abuela will kill me of I'm out past dark on a school night." She said.

"Then go home Tracy, I'll be fine." Olivia said.

"You sure?" Tracy asked concerned for her friend, it not a good idea for teenagers to be in this side of Chicago alone at night, but all Olivia ever does, is talk about this band, and when she is determined about something, that it.

With a heavy sigh, Tracy leaves her friend demanding that she call her tomorrow.
It was nearly midnight, and the ticket booth closed, Olivia sighed in disappointment and replied to her mother's text that she was on her way home, she sticks her earbuds in, and listens to get music while she walks home.

With it being dark, and her being so tired Olivia walked aimlessly having no idea where she was going. She found herself at the park, which if she is being completely honest with herself, is a little creepy at night, the light wind casing the swings to move on there own as if someone was sitting on them, the chirping of grasshoppers hiding in the grass, or owls staring at her from the trees, she had no idea which way was home, and now wishes she went home with Tracy.

"Are you lost?"

Olivia jumped and turned around to see a man standing a few feet away from her. Her stranger danger senses were kicking in.

"N-no, I'm just waiting for my mom to come pick me up, she should here any second." Olivia lied.

The man hmm'd like he didn't believe her. Olivia took a step back when he took a step forward, into the light, showing off his fangs, when Olivia screamed he ran over to cover her mouth, and sink his teeth into the teens neck, draining her of her blood.

Sam and Dean were held up in the bunker for a week, Dean was still sulking after what Mary did, and they had no idea where Cas or Kelly Kline were, so Sam was on his laptop looking for a case.

He found one fairly easy.

"Hey Dean how do you feel about vampires?" Sam asked.

"Only gave a shit about one, the rest can kiss my ass, why?" Dean replied.

"Because I found a possibly vampire related case in Chicago." Sam told him, Dean looked up from his phone with intrest.

"I'm listaning." He told his brother.

"For the past few days, all these girls started turning up dead, completely drained of blood." Sam said.

"That sounds Vampy continue.".

"The weird part is that no one is missing, they're not turning them, just killing them, and all the Vic, are female but diffrent ages, the first victim was Hayley Moore eighteen, Fiona Blake twenty one, and last night Olivia Bennett, she was fifteen, this pattern doesn't make any sense." Sam said.

"Well I guess we need to go check it out." Dean said.

The brothers left for the windy city.

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