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June 6th, 2015

"Daniel, you told my mother we were getting married, it is a big deal!" I exclaim, turning to face him hysterically.

"I don't see the big deal, we'll be married eventually, one day anyways." he rolls his eyes.

"Oh that's lovely, you're really confident in that. What do you suppose I tell her now? Hey mum, sorry that Dan told you we were getting married, but it won't be happening for another five, ten years maybe? That's not going to cut it." I snap at him.

"Why won't you marry me? Why do I have to wait for another five years? I'll be graduating soon, we could get a nice house somewhere, I could take care of us, it could happen," he sighs. 

I take a deep breath in and place my hands on either side of him as he's sitting on a kitchen counter, pouting.  "I want to marry you, but I don't want that to crash and burn. What we have, it's different Dan, I don't want a piece of paper to define what we have here. I want a nice house with you, somewhere I can come home and see your smile every single day and not get tired of it, but I don't want to be smothered, and you tend to pressure me into these things, don't you want me to willingly marry you, not marry you because I am afraid that you will walk away if I don't?" He shifts in his chair and lets out a huff

"Marry me," he says not looking at me.

I laugh. "You're not even looking at me, Dan."

This makes him laugh too. He looks at me, taking my face in his hands. "Marry me, Grazia Blanchard and I promise to make you the happiest woman on this Earth." 

I smile at him. "You do that now, and I'm not even your wife."

"So imagine what it could be like if you were," he whispers, kissing my nose.

I stand and cross my arms, looking at him. "You graduate in four days, I'll give you my answer then," 

"I guess I'll have to wait." he lets a sigh past his lips. I roll my eyes and take his hand.

"Let's go, prince charming, take me to bed and make love to me," I say, and then we spend a night in pure bliss together and fall asleep together, and when we wake up together, we have the same conversation.

June 10th, 2015

"Dan, would you please quit messing with it?" I say smacking Dan's hand away from his tie. He yanks his neck away from me and starts to untie what I've done.

"Oh my goodness if you don't stop untying that right now I will never talk to you ever again," I say and he stops immediately.

"You're putting it too tight," he complains. 

"If you would stop moving I'd be able to tie it correctly!" I exclaim.

"I swear if I didn't know better, I'd say you were an old married couple," Jackie says as she enters the room. 

"Well, we'll find out today if that's an opportunity for me or not," Dan grins. "Hi, ma, thanks for coming," he adds, kissing Jackie's cheek.

"Don't thank me, Daniel, my eldest son is graduating college, I wouldn't miss this for the world." she waves her hand and tells him.

I smile at the two of them before pulling out my camera. "Smile," I say and they both give over-the-top, beautiful white smiles and I snap the picture. 

"Not to interrupt the love-fest, but your class is preparing to walk soon." Dan's friend, Phil says. I roll my eyes and laugh while Dan pulls him into an embrace.

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