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"Do you think you'll have the look, tomorrow?" Arabella, my childhood best friend asks while braiding Frannie's hair. I shrug and brush my mum's hair back, but I know that Dan and I will have "the look" because we have "the look" every single day of our lives.

"What if he chokes?" Luna asks from across the room, reading the next chapter of the novel I was working on that was on my laptop. I hear her hum every so often at a part she likes and her foot taps.

A gasp erupts from Frannie. "What if you choke?" she asks in hysterics. My mum chuckles.

"This isn't an eighth-grade project I am reading in front of my class for a good grade," I roll my eyes. "This is my wedding, something I want just as much as Dan." They nod in agreement.

"I wanted to buy her a stripper but Daniel wasn't having that," my mum chimes in. "Jackie ordered one anyway, he was supposed to be here an hour ago."

The girls clap and laugh in excitement but I drop the brush. "Mum! Why would you allow that to go on? I mean really, did you think I'd be okay with that?"

"Oh hush, Grazia. Your soon-to-be husband is probably at some stripper club thing all the men go to on their bachelor night anyways." my mum replies. 

My stomach tightens and I have the urge to throw up. "No," I whisper. "We agreed that there would be none of that because of the breakup before. I'm going to call him."

"Honey," My mum warns, taking the phone from my hands. "How do you expect to marry this man without trusting him to be around half-naked women without wanting to touch any of them? You are marrying this man, it's not just a relationship anymore, and he should be allowed to go out to bars — as should you, without the both of you worrying the entire time."

I look around the room to my best friends, who are now all looking at me in agreement with my mum, even Luna has stopped reading to join the conversation.

"It wouldn't do well for our trust if that's where he is right now anyway, mother." I shrug and start brushing my mum's hair again "He said he wouldn't go, I should be able to trust that, too."

"That's true, too," Arabella says

"Call him if it'll make you feel better," My mum sighs. "But I know he's going to get annoyed."

"Give me a sec, please?" I ask them, and they all nod and begin to leave the room one by one.

"Can I stay? I'd like to know what happens." Arabella begs and I laugh. "Out!" She rolls her eyes and leaves with the rest of the girls.

I dial Dan's number and wait for him to answer. He answers on the second ring and his voice sends chills straight up my legs and spine. "Hello?"

"Where are you?" I ask before slapping my hand to my forehead after knowing he is going to catch on that I didn't keep my promise to trust that he'd keep his.

"Where do you think?" he asks, laughing. "Is your bedroom window unlocked?" 

"Why?" My perfectly plucked eyebrow quirks up in suspicion.

"Just answer the question, Grazia." he huffs on the other line.

"Yes," I tell him. I hear a loud crash outside of my window, and immediately know it's him. I walk over to the window and open it, seeing his body climb up a ladder. I roll my eyes and cross my arms. "How romantic, my very own Romeo, could a girl ask for better?" I say sarcastically.

"Right now I wish we were in Rapunzel and you had long hair you could spare to help a guy out," he says out of breath.

I laugh quietly and grab his hand, helping him climb through my window when he's close enough. Without being completely inside of the room yet, he grabs my face and kisses me, multiple times. I giggle and push him away, holding a single finger to my lips.

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