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January 10th, 2015

"Come on Dan, get up and get dressed, the longer you wait the more this hospital room costs, I don't think your dad's that generous," I say impatiently.

"He better be," he snaps. "I need help, I am wounded here, Grazia, completely defenceless against these bumps and bruises," he says.

 I roll my eyes and huff playfully, before walking over to him and helping him into his shirt. "I've never met someone that is so dramatic, Dan Howell. Seriously, you over-exaggerate everything," 

"It's why you love me, is it not?" he smiles.

"Who says I love you?" I ask, smirking at him. 

"Don't even try it, Grazia, you talk in your sleep," he replies, smirking right back and my mouth falls open.

"What? No, no way. I don't talk in my sleep." I defend myself.

"Oh you do, and it's the funniest thing," he laughs. "You also snore." I stop my hands on his legs, before continuing to help him with his pants.

"And what do I...I don't know, you know, say when I talk in my sleep?" I curiously ask. 

"Don't try to act nonchalant about it, love," he winks at me and laughs. "It's your god-given talent, lord knows it's the only talent you have." 

"Yeah? Well, you can suck your own dick next time, asshole."

He chuckles. "I'm sorry; I take that back. Wait, Grazia where are you going? Come on, you know I'm just kidding," he calls after me. I throw up the middle finger before going to the waiting room where his family has planted themselves.

"Is he ready?" Jackie asks. I nod.

"He's in rare form though, so prepare yourself," I tell her before taking a seat beside Dan's father who seems more invested in his laptop than anything else. I look over his shoulder in pure curiosity but jump back when he speaks.

"I'm working on my next case if you were wondering," he says chuckling, and it reminds me so much of Dan, I just look at him.

"I was just looking for...you know, like, the time," I respond but it comes out as more of a question than a statement. 

"It's 11:30," he nods. "Curiosity killed the cat, Miss Blanchard," he chuckles lightly.

"Don't cats have like, nine lives or something? Did curiosity really kill the cat, or did curiosity give the cat what it wanted?"

He turns to look at me. "Hm, good observation, but yes, curiosity really killed the cat; I'd learn a little bit more of my own business and a lot less of others if I were you, Grazia."

I just stare at him. "And I'd learn more about my son than my clients, but that's just another one of my many observations, Mr Howell," I snap. I stand to go back to Dan's room, but turn to look at his father one last time. "I'm the fucking cat and I'm still here, Sir."

He smiles. "Even when I tried my hardest for you not to be. You're a tough young girl, Grazia."

I smirk at him. "You can look all you want, I won't suck your dick," I tell him

His mouth hangs open in shock. "And I'm not looking for you to go down on me either."

"Close your mouth, it's really unattractive on you, Sir," I say before exiting the waiting room.

I take Dan back to my apartment which is currently filled with a bunch of our closest friends, who have all taken it upon themselves to give him a warm welcome back to campus. I help him into the apartment along with Jackie and his father, who looks at my apartment up and down in disgust.

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