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There you have it.

All at once, their lives together were over. They lived long, and though it was almost never easy, it was always worth it. Dan went first. He stopped breathing before his wife had, but that was okay, because she followed behind him with the most pretentious way about her, almost as if she was trying to show him up even in the hour of his death, and he loved it.

They didn't have a flashy love story, but boy did their children adore hearing their parents tell it, and Elle still flinched every time her Dad led them to the dark part of their relationship, and even if Grazia wanted to, the fact that he even cheated on her was so far gone and buried, it didn't even hurt anymore.

They didn't have a flashy love story - but God, did they love each other.

Grazia loved Dan though, so much that his entire universe expanded with her, he found the parts of himself he loved through her, and it's a beautiful thing to have a love you find yourself in, even when the lights inside of both of them went out, they had such a love that the world still burned behind them.

They touched the world with their love, and it was not the big things that happened in their relationship that kept them together, it was the small things they did for each other, like how every night after they tucked the children in and Dan was too tired to stay awake he still would because he wanted to see if his wife's day was better than his so he can have half a peace of mind to sleep that night or the way Grazia always made his favourite meals and never complained if he had to work late, they were small...and to anyone else, they made no sense and didn't matter, but to Grazia and Dan, they were the small things they carried to their deaths.

And when their children buried them side by side, they had no fear their parents were alone, they knew they were resting together, nothing had changed for the pair, and nothing ever would.


But would it have been such love if they were different people?

Like Grazia Blanchard once said, "It is almost like a secret, sometimes I know what happens next and sometimes I don't. And maybe that's the beauty behind it all. Because, in reality, we don't know what's going to happen next. We don't know if we will survive what comes our way. We don't know if we're going to be here tomorrow.

I guess I like ending my stories that way." 

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