Chapter 1

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Sienna Blake was sitting on the floor, her back against the wall of her cell with her eyes closed. Suddenly, her cell door flew open and so did her eyes.
"Prisoner 197. Face the wall." A guard ordered as he entered the cell.
"What is this?" She asked, getting to her feet.
"Quiet. Hold out your right arm." He ordered. She did as asked, not wanting to make things any worse for herself. The guard grabbed her arm and snapped a wristband around it.
"Come on. Let's go." The guard said, before grabbing her upper arm and dragging her out of the cell. As she looked around the Sky Box, she saw that many of the other prisoners were having the same treatment.
On The Ark, every crime, no matter how small, is punishable by death - unless they're under 18. However, even though Sienna was 23, she had not been floated for her crime. Though both she and her husband, Bellamy, had committed the same crime – protecting and hiding Bellamy's sister Octavia, their punishments had been different. Bellamy had been demoted from a Cadet in the Guard to a Janitor, whereas Sienna had been locked up.
The guard grabbed her upper arm and escorted her down to where the rest of the prisoners were being led somewhere. Sienna had already served a year of her four-year sentence. In that time, she had hardly seen Bellamy at all, and she hadn't even seen Octavia since the day that she and Octavia were locked up. Just then, she thought of something. What if she never saw Bellamy again? Or Octavia? All she could hope was that Octavia was among those being sent to the ground. Her face-hardened. If she couldn't see her husband again, the least she could do was protect her sister-in-law.

Bellamy entered his home after yet another day of work. He sighed, looking around the empty room, thinking of his family. How his mother was floated for having a second child, how his sister, Octavia, was locked up purely for being born, and how his wife, Sienna, was locked up for no other reason than the fact that she knew about Octavia. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Bellamy frowned. No one came to visit him. Ever. He opened the door to see the person he hated the most on the Ark. Shumway.
"Cadet Blake." Shumway greeted him.
"It's Janitor Blake now, Lieutenant." Bellamy snapped.
"Commander." Shumway corrected him. "A lot's changed in the past year. May I?" Shumway asked, more of a statement than a question. Bellamy stepped aside to let him in.
"You've got some nerve coming here after pushing the button that floated my mother." Bellamy snarled.
"I was following orders." Shumway defended himself.
"What the hell do you want from me?" Bellamy sneered.
"You were a hell of a guardsman, Bellamy, you know that? Smart, hardworking, resourceful." Shumway said.
"I wasn't a guardsman. That's what you said. I remember." Bellamy snapped.
"You also said you'd do anything to protect your sister and your wife. I remember, too. I hope that's still true." Shumway said. A feeling of concern immediately took over Bellamy's body.
"Are they ok?" Bellamy immediately asked.
"What I'm about to tell you is classified. Chancellor Jaha has approved a mission to Earth. He's sending the juvenile prisoners to the ground. 100 of them. Your sister, and your wife included." Shumway revealed. That concern instantly turned to horror.
"N... no. You can't. It's not safe. You have to stop them." Bellamy said, his tone turning desperate.
"I wish I could. What I can do is get you a seat on that drop ship. You're right. It's doubtful those kids will survive, but if you're there, at least you'll be with Octavia and Sienna, and maybe the kids will have a fighting chance." Shumway said.
"What do I have to do?" Bellamy asked, narrowing his eyes slightly. He knew there had to be a catch to this.
"Kill the chancellor." Shumway revealed, handing him a gun. Bellamy looked at the gun for a moment, as if trying to decide whether to agree or not. He slowly took the gun and looked at it before priming it and pointing it at Shumway.
"How about I kill you instead?" Bellamy asked.
"Kill me, and your sister and wife go to a radiation-soaked planet and you get floated like your mother." Shumway stated. "Ship launches in 20 minutes, Bellamy. If you're gonna do this, we have to leave. Right now." He added. Bellamy looked down at the gun once before sighing and following Shumway out of the room. He knew he was going to regret this, but he couldn't leave his wife and sister alone to die.

Once Sienna was seated on the drop ship, she looked around to see if she knew anyone there. She saw a few people she recognized, but none that she really associated with, even before she was imprisoned. She was seated on the upper level along with about 30 others. Suddenly, the monitors turned on and a message began to play. Instead of paying attention to the antics of the juvenile delinquents around her, Sienna decided to actually listen to the message.
"Prisoners of The Ark, hear me now. You've been given a second chance, and as your Chancellor, it is my hope that you see this as not just a chance for you, but a chance for all of us, indeed for mankind itself. We have no idea what is waiting for you down there. If the odds of survival were better, we would've sent others. Frankly, we're sending you because your crimes have made you expendable. If, however, you do survive, those crimes will be forgiven, your records wiped clean. The drop site has been chosen carefully. Before the last war, Mount Weather was a military base built within a mountain. It was to be stocked with enough non-perishables to sustain 300 people for up to two years. No one ever made it there. Because we spare you no food, or water, or medicine, I cannot stress strongly enough, that Mount Weather is life. You must locate those supplies immediately. Your one responsibility is stay alive." Chancellor Jaha said. A moment later, the parachutes deployed, throwing the idiots who had unbuckled their seatbelts into the walls, everything was being thrown everywhere, and the walls were rattling. It was like someone had put them all in a metal jar and was shaking it as hard as they could.
Suddenly, everything stopped and the entire ship fell silent. Just then, an Asian boy spoke up.
"Listen." He said, pausing for a moment. "No machine hum." He added.
"Whoa. That's a first." The boy with brown hair and goggles sitting next to him said. A moment later, everyone's seatbelts unbuckled. Sienna closed her eyes and sent a silent prayer to whatever God was out there that her husband and sister-in-law would be safe.
"The outer door's on the lower level. Let's go!" One of the boys called.
"No! We can't just open the doors!" A blonde girl, whom Sienna recognized as Clarke Griffin, replied. Sienna could already tell she was going to be a "do-as-you're-told" kind of person. Sienna waited for everyone to go down the ladder. She didn't want to get caught up in everything and she needed to process everything that had happened. A few minutes later, someone yelled something that from downstairs which immediately caught Sienna's attention.
"That's Octavia Blake. The girl they found hidden in the floor." Sienna gasped. She then ran over to the ladder to follow everyone else. As she descended the ladder, the door opened and a rush of air and light entered the drop ship. She closed her eyes and looked away briefly before opening them again. Everyone was silent, the only sounds being heard were the wind rustling lightly through the trees and the occasional sound of a bird chirping. She looked towards the door and saw a girl with dark brown hair look around before walking slowly down the ramp, jumping slightly as she stepped down onto the ground. A moment later, she raised her arms in the air.
"We're back bitches!" She screamed. She knew that voice anywhere...Octavia. Everyone then burst into screams of happiness and ran out of the drop ship onto the ground, running out into the Forest but staying relatively close to the drop ship.

Bellamy grinned as he watched his sister scream in happiness. As everyone began rushing out of the drop ship, he stayed behind and looked around to see if he could find his wife. With every person that went past him, he became increasingly less confident that Sienna was actually on the drop ship in the first place. However, that thought was completely erased when he heard a voice that he had been yearning to hear for so long.
"Bellamy?" He spun around to see his beautiful wife standing there, gazing at him. The world around them disappeared and before he could say anything, she ran towards him, flinging herself at him when she got close enough. He caught her easily, hugging her as tightly as he could, ecstatic to have her back in his arms. As soon as they separated, he pulled her into a loving, passionate kiss.

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